Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Good morning, Luna!" Danny swung into the room using the doorframe. I looked up from my untouched plate of toast just in time to see Whitney and Gabbie stroll in behind him.

"Is the toast treating you bad too?" Whitney frowned, walking up to the table and analyzing my plate.

"Yeah," I frowned, looking down at the buttered bread and grimacing, "it makes me nauseous just looking at it."

"Good God, woman," Danny shook his head, leaning against the table, "we've tried everything just to get you to eat for the past week and you're not working with us. I think we should pull Axel away from all that paperwork and tell—" he was interrupted by a harsh nudge in the gut from his mate.

"No, he will freak. She's clearly trying, you moron. When she does, she simply throws it up. I'm about to feed her just so she can puke on you," Gabbie growled, averting her attention to me and ignoring her grunting, hunched over mate, "I'm sorry, he's not very bright."

I blushed, "that's okay. You guys don't get sick like humans do. I don't blame him."

"I think it's time we take you to Wayne," Whitney interjected, earning agreeing nods so I slid off the chair, yet she scooped me off my feet bridal style within the second, "you're not straining yourself any more on my watch!"

She let the others pass then followed, all of us exiting the house and into the yard full of mother's and children who turned at the sound of a door. They bowed as we passed and I shrunk in Whitney's arms, covering my face in embarrassment.

We didn't enter the building quick enough for my liking. However, as soon as we did, we just so happened to spot Wayne talking to the girl behind the counter. They looked up at our entry.

"Ahh, hello, ladies," he smiled warmly, his eyes scanning all of us, "and Danny. What brings you all here?"

Whitney stepped forward and held me out as if I weighed nothing, "something is wrong with her and we can't figure it out. She doesn't want Axel knowing, so if you could keep this on the low that'd be great."

His smile fell, "why hide it from him, Luna?"

"I don't want him to worry," I shrugged shamefully, suddenly feeling like I should've went to him first instead of going behind his back.

"Understandable. Let's get you checked out then, shall we?" He smiled once again, easing my anxiousness. He then proceeded to lead us down the hall.

We entered a spacious room and Whitney set me on the bed, taking a seat in the chair next to Danny while Gabbie plopped down in his lap. Wayne closed the door and wasted no time checking me over.

After he finished, he put his stethoscope back over his neck and frowned, "all of your vitals are abnormal. Everything appears heightened, and your breathing sounded more like a chore than natural instinct. What was going on that made you come see me?"

"I can't eat, either nothing sounds good or I just throw up. I'm also sleeping a lot and kind of weak," I answered, watching him tilt my head back to examine my face.

"Really? I'd say you weren't sleeping enough. Your eyes are very bloodshot and swollen," he replied, furrowing his eyebrows and moving over to the papers he brought in on the counter.

I watched him write something down, hearing the others whispering to each other to avoid being disruptive.

"It doesn't have to be exact, but if you had to guess, what does your hourly sleep schedule look like in a day?" He asked, never straying his line of sight away from the top piece of paper.

"Sixteen hours for sure," Gabbie spoke up for me, probably aware that I wouldn't have the slightest clue given I'm sleeping during that period.

He didn't write. Instead, he muttered something to himself and stared at the paper like he were frozen.

His Abused Mute LunaWhere stories live. Discover now