Chapter Twenty-One

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Axel Moretti's POV

Her soft voice hazed my brain as her words whirled around my head and made my wolf whine restlessly. I was so overwhelmed by everything she had just told me, it was hard to decide what I should be feeling, and frankly, there were too many emotions I was flipping through that was preventing me of having the capability to properly respond.

I'm so angry, sad, and lost.

I want to rip everyone who ever even looked at her wrong into pieces. It enrages and saddens me knowing she was so carelessly mistreated as if she isn't the only girl in the world to look, feel, and act the way she does, let alone be seen as a living being. If anything, she's the most remarkable girl I've ever met, and nobody will ever come close to being her. She's so perfect, it feels almost wrong to touch her because I fear I'll contaminate her.

I don't know what to do for the first time in my life. I know what I want, and need, to do, but I also know what she wants me to do, and they're on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Looking down at her, I realized she was asleep. Her body was always light, which made it difficult to pin-point when she was deadweight and when she wasn't.

'Blaine, Danny, be in my office by the time I get there,' I linked, unable to pry my eyes off of her beautiful sleeping face.

She always looks so worried and I'm not sure she knows it, yet when she sleeps her features fall neutral and really emphasize her beauty. I'll never point it out though, because that alone will make it worse, besides, if she still appears distressed, it means she still feels that way somewhere in her.

I will do everything in my power to take away all of her worries.

With much struggle, I made the decision to lay her on the bed and stand up, except I felt terrible knowing I was about to leave her again and I couldn't seem to move from my spot.

'Change of plan, come over.'

'I'm liking where this is going,' Blaine replied flirtatiously and I rolled my eyes, withholding a growl.

God, I seriously hate him sometimes.

'Dude, you just made me holler out laughing. I thought I was alone but I wasn't, Ray's kid is now crying for dear life cause I scared the shit out of him,' Danny responded and I facepalmed.

They're idiots, and I mean serious, in need of mental help, catastrophic idiots.

'Why didn't he teach him about mind-linking? I'd shit myself too if a grown man suddenly started laughing for no apparent reason. He will officially be afraid of you for the rest of his life.'

'Just wait until his wolf starts talking to him!' Danny wheezed in a fit of laughter.

'He's not teaching him because he might not ever be able to mind-link,' I snarled at them, interrupting their conversation and taking a deep breath before I said much crueler words, then the expected, yet dreaded, mind-link popped in my mind right after.

'I apologize for disrupting you, Alpha, but I need to have a word with you about your Delta.'


'Now would be best, I'm going to be talking to him if you don't mind meeting me at my house,' I replied, cutting off the connection just as I heard a knock on the front door.

His Abused Mute LunaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin