Chapter Twenty-Five

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"I can't take it anymore! Something seems very different with you," Gabbie dropped her hands to her desk loudly, looking at me through the reflection of the mirror and a focused expression found her face.

She released the makeup in her hands and turned to me, inhaling deeply, "you smell like Axel—I mean, a lot like him. The only time that happens is if you had sex or he..." she trailed off, her eyes roaming each side of my neck.

Her face dropped and she suddenly retched, "oh god, forget I said anything," she grimaced, another retch emitting from her and she covered her mouth.

"Apparently everyone had sex last night, it must've been that full moon," she mumbled, her eyes glancing at me and she shuddered, "I could've lived without knowing my brother stuck it to you, honestly. It's all I see when I look at you now, agh! You were so innocent!"

What we did was sex?

Why would my mother scream at my father that he should've had sex with her if it was deadly like she told me? Why did she say it'll make me a whore?

I looked down at my lap, swallowing to ease the burn in my throat.

She said that because sex is the reason my father left her.

I understand now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that'd upset you," she spoke and I looked at her, shaking my head with a small smile.

"It's not you," I reassured just as a knock came over her door and she growled, finishing up her mascara then averting her attention to it.

She opened her mouth to call out but froze, causing another knock to hit the door sounding more impatient and she jumped up. I widened my eyes when she came over and pulled me off the bed, shoving me toward the bathroom in panic.

What's happening?

Just as I was about to enter, the door swung open revealing an older beautiful woman standing next to an older man. I was stunned by the resemblance he had to Axel, only snapping out of it when Gabbie cursed under her breath.

"Mom, dad, how nice of you to randomly drop by and just barge in without waiting for my answer," she smiled, yet it seemed forced, and the couple didn't reply while their piercing eyes remained on me.

"Who's your new friend, Gabbie?" Her mother shifted her gaze onto her, disapproval mixed with slight distaste finding her features, "why do you have a human within the pack? Is your brother aware of this?"

"That is enough, honey. She can be friends with whoever, besides, we need not worry over one young human," the man shot her a look and she scowled.

Gabbie was squeezing me tightly in obvious discomfort, slowly easing me behind her to block me from direct contact. I frowned, fidgeting nervously at the way their presence made me feel.

"Where did you even find her? She looks diseased," the woman scoffed and I flinched at her words, clinging onto Gabbie's shirt with forming tears.

I looked down at myself, suddenly feeling disgusted with how skinny I was again. I had a strong urge to strip then slide into oversized clothes and curl into a corner.

"Mom!" Gabbie snarled, reaching back and putting her arm around me as if she felt my tightening grip.

"Hailey," the man snapped, narrowing his eyes at who I'm assuming is his mate. She brushed him off and crossed her arms, her eyes locked on me.

"We don't take strays," she added coldly, "I'm sure Axel won't like to hear—"

"He's already aware! She's his mate!" Gabbie growled out, making a deadly silence fill the air around us.

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