Chapter Nine

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"This is where I came whenever my anxiety got bad. It's a very calming place and it'll do you good. That's the first step to breaking your shell. Find your peace," he explained, releasing my hand and looking down at me. I frowned in confusion, scrunching my eyebrows together and fidgeting with my hands.

"What I mean is find what relaxes you. That's the start of the long road to recovery," he added and I looked up at the beautiful scenery, pretending as if he wasn't there and already feeling myself begin to relax. Nature always calms me.

There was an ocean of trees just behind the clear pond in front of us, which was surrounded with many vibrant flowers. I felt a smile tug at my lips and I hugged my hands to my chest, jumping when I heard his voice again.

"When you're relaxed, I want you to close your eyes and take big, slow breaths, and after each one, tell yourself something positive. Do that ten times," he said, taking a small step back and I held my breath, feeling my relaxed state crumble in fear of his sudden, unmentioned movement.

I moved my gaze back to the pond and squeezed the shirt over my chest, forcing myself to close my eyes and take a deep breath. It came out shaken and I tightened my hold on the fabric.

I'm strong.

Taking another deep breath, my grip loosened and I felt some of the tension leave my face.

I'll be okay.

I'm safe.

I'm important.

Opening my eyes, I grew frustrated that I didn't believe any of my words. He said it would work. He said he'd help me. Why is it not working? Why do I still feel like this? I don't want to feel this way anymore. I want to be normal. I want to be okay.

"It takes patience," he said, seemingly sensing my frustration and I shook my head, feeling someone else's hand find my shoulder and making me jump into him consumed with panic.

He stumbled under my force, his body going tense as I held onto him shaking involuntarily. I clutched onto his shirt, uncontrollable tears filling my eyes while I pressed my face harder into his warm chest.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't know how easily frightened humans get," a woman's voice stabbed into my ears and I pressed myself further into him, my breathing rapid in an attempt to keep my tears from exiting.

"She's working on it," he cleared his throat then put one of his arms around my back, sending needles of terror down my spine. When no pain followed, a huge amount of relief flooded me and the cold stabs in my back subsided, "be cautious around her for now, okay?"

I peeked out at the girl and noticed she was glancing between us, a slow look of realization morphing on her features.

"Oh my god, this is great! I'm so happy for you, little bro! She's so adorable," the woman suddenly cheered, making the man holding me much more tense.

"Uh—eh—no! That's not—we're not—she's not my mate!" He rushed out, stumbling over his words but one in particular lingered in my mind.

Mate? As in soulmate? They believe in them too?

"She's not? Then why are you holding her like that? And why's this human even here? Does the Alpha know you're out here tampering with a—"

His chest suddenly vibrated with a low rumble and I squeezed his shirt, instantly causing him to fall silent.

"Be respectful to the Luna," he put emphasis on the strange word and she gasped. I scrunched my eyebrows and tapped his chest lightly to get his attention, but he didn't pay it mind because she started talking again.

His Abused Mute Lunaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن