Chapter Seven

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Angelica Winter's POV

"I'm here!" A familiar male yelled, closing a door behind him and I froze, clenching onto the fur of Marshmallow until he ripped away from me and bolted straight to the man.

I tried to stop him but couldn't, biting my lip and feeling my throat close at the approaching footsteps. Did Marshmallow leave me? Is he afraid of the man too? Why didn't he take me with?

He left me unprotected...

"I want you to take Carly to the cells, and I need to see you in my office right after. I'll be there shortly, then I want you to take this," another male paused, the next words out of his mouth were too quiet to hear yet I widened my eyes, recognizing him as the one who gave me this shirt and let me sleep in a bed.

It's the man who took me from Jade.

"Yes, sir," with that, shuffling was heard and a door closed again. The footsteps grew louder and I bolted into the room, crawling on the bed and holding my knees to my chest.

The door opened a second later and I felt my eyes water, fear constricting me until I could hardly breathe. Then, I felt his warm hand touch my stitched ankle and I yanked away, my breathing fastened but I still couldn't get a satisfying breath.

"I'm sorry!" He rushed out, panic laced his words and I pushed my hands into my chest to calm myself, "what happened to you? It looks..." he trailed off, his next words came out in a strain, "like it was amputated."

The stuffy nose I had from crying cleared when a rush of ice waved through my body and I slowly sat up, looking at my discolored ankle then at his body and frowning. He was wearing shorts and a tight white t-shirt, showing off the huge muscles he could snap me in two with. This made me unsettled and with much uncertainty, I hesitantly moved my leg back.

I don't want to risk angering him.

He was hesitant as well, sluggishly running his fingers over the stitches and my heart was racing. I even grew a bit dizzy out of fear, but not once did his actions hurt as expected.

He still scares me but I want him near...

It's almost like deep down I actually want to like him... I don't know which emotions to act on, but I do know fear will always play a role alongside it.

It's like I want to trust him, but my brain is forcing me to feel skeptical and afraid.

Something's telling me that he's my comfort and security, however, I just can't seem to force myself to believe that.

"Was this amputated?" He asked, retracting his hand and I pulled my leg away after hearing the raising anger in his voice. He seemed to be trying to hide it, but I could sense the change in his demeanor and a cold sweat covered my palms.

"Who did this?" He added, "did they do it on purpose? Who hurt you?"

Each question came out angrier than the next and my head throbbed, creating a dizzy sensation followed by an overwhelming heat that made me want to burst into tears again.

I clutched the shirt on my body and nodded frantically, looking all around the room with harsh breaths to ensure there was nothing painful he would grab to use on me. The heartbeat in my throat started to hurt and my body suddenly felt like it weighed a ton. I couldn't move.

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