Chapter Eighteen

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"Don't worry, we'll protect you if anything happens, but nothing will happen. Whitney's just paranoid," she reassured, clicking play on the movie and digging into the bowl full of multiple different candies.

I could hardly breathe because I ate too much too quickly. It was all so good and I couldn't believe I never had the luxury of eating them.

Who knew life could be so good?

"I don't watch horror movies cause they have to get their ideas from somewhere, so they're either: one, based on true events, or two, there are people out there psycho enough to have these disturbing ideas going through their heads. Either way, I don't feel safe," she defended, taking another bite out of the chocolate bar in her hands, "who watches these for enjoyment anyway? Why would anyone want to be scared? Our lives are scary enough."

Gabbie shot her a look as I watched the two girls on the television do what we were doing. They were having a sleepover and also watching something disturbing. The paralleled situation intrigued me and I blocked out Gabbie and Whitney's conversation, gluing my full attention on the movie.

One of the girls were freaked out while the other was brushing it off, until the phone abruptly rang, making both girls become spooked.

Suddenly, a loud ringing came from reality and I jumped, whipping my head to look over. I saw someone's phone ringing on the nightstand.

"Nope! Nu-uh! Fuck this, fuck that, fuck off, and fuck y'all. I'm not playing these games with you guys! You know I hate this!" Whitney yelled, jumping off the bed and Gabbie grabbed her arm, yanking her back down.

"I'm not playing!" She panicked, averting her gaze to me, "are you doing this?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "how would I?"

"Oh, right," she mumbled, screaming alongside Whitney when someone knocked on the door. I watched them hug each other tightly, fear filling their expressions, and I frowned.

Standing up, I walked over to the door and opened it, my frown deepening when I didn't see anyone standing outside.

"Angel, shut the door!" Whitney shrieked, both of them trembling violently against each other, so I closed the door and walked back over.

Her phone rang again and they screamed, squeezing each other until their bodies turned pale. I sat on the edge of the bed, not understanding why nothing is scaring them. It's just a phone and nobody's outside the door, why are they freaking out? There's nothing around to be afraid of.

More knocks thudded against the door right after the phone stopped ringing and they shoved their heads into each other's shoulders. I slid off the bed and went back over to the door, opening it anticipating the hallway to be empty just like before.


In my moment of unthought, panicked horror upon seeing someone standing there, I threw my arm and let out a tiny squeak in surprise.

"Oh my god!" I heard Whitney wail, snapping me back from my frozen state of terror to see Blaine holding his face, aggressively mumbling incoherent words to himself.

"You just punched him in the face!" Gabbie came up from behind me, no longer scared but instead laughing hysterically, "oh my god, you're amazing! I guess it really is your instinct to protect us, human or not!"

Protect? He wasn't even doing anything.

I felt myself stiffen when I saw blood leaking through his fingers, their previous fear transferring to me.

"What the hell," he groaned, keeping his hand over his nose with another grunt, "what did I do?"

"I am so sorry," I exhaled, struggling to keep my tears at bay while taking a step back with full expectation he was going to hit me in return.

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