Chapter Fourteen

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I turned to run back to Whitney, but he had ahold of my arm in seconds. His grip was tight, painful, and cold, unlike Axel's, and I instantly burst into tears, never giving up my struggle against him.

He started dragging me toward an unfamiliar car and I looked at Blaine, silently yelling out for him to get up. He never woke.

"Those wolves taught you spunk, didn't they?" He spat icily and hugged me from behind with one arm, his salty, odd smelling, palm pressed against my nose and mouth. I tried to turn away but failed and he opened the car door, throwing me in.

My face hit the side of the center console and I winced, holding my now throbbing head with more tears streaming down my face from the impact. I kicked the door just as he closed it, resulting in the bones in my unhealed ankle to grind together in an excruciatingly painful way, making me cry harder.

"Just go the fuck to sleep already," he snapped as he entered the car and my vision began to blur, my world was spinning and I felt it get progressively worse, "I gotcha," he smirked sinisterly, raising his hand and shaking a foreign bottle to show what he did, except I couldn't comprehend what was happening in time and fell limp into the seat.

I want Axel.


"Wake up!" A familiar voice pierced my eardrums and my entire body stiffened in horror, though I refused to open my eyes to see reality as I continued to envision Axel.

"Do not make me repeat myself, Angelica!" She screamed, cracking something against the floor and I ripped my eyes open with a flinch to see a barbed wire whip.

"Good, now tell me about those wolf friends of yours," she squatted down next to me and I kept my head low, feeling myself emotionally start falling back into the girl I was before I escaped.

I jumped when a notebook and pen landed in my lap, shakily taking them with my eyes set on Jade's body to make sure she wasn't moving.

"Tell me, who's their Alpha? Who controls them?" She spat, shooting her now empty hand out to my throat and I choked, widening my eyes as tears filled them and she forced me to meet her gaze, tightening her hold, "I know you know, you pathetic, disgusting, used, poor excuse of a girl. Don't protect those disgraces, they don't care about you! Nobody would truly care about someone like you!" She scoffed, glaring into my blind eye, "fine, if that's how you want to play it, I'll play."

My heart was electrified, making me freeze and look down at the paper, quickly taking the pen and writing an answer to avoid whatever she plans to do next.

Axel is Alpha.

I showed her, my hold on the notebook revealed just how much I was trembling so she grabbed the side above one of my hands to steady it, her eyes following the words.

"Axel Ramos Moretti is their Alpha?" She scoffed, her voice echoed off the walls of the basement and the anger in her hateful heart began to grow. I sunk further into the corner, my lip quivering at how eagerly my eyes wanted to let the water out.

"The white wolf is their Alpha!" She shouted over her shoulder, "I fucking had him! I could've ended this shit! Son of a bitch!"

Much to my surprise, she didn't raise her hands and hit me, she merely sneered and asked another question, "what the hell does someone of such powerful ranking want with you? You're nothing! You can't give him anything! You won't!"

That's not true!

I angrily started writing, my words coming off sharp and squiggly due to my shaking and growing rage. When I finished, I showed her with downturned, furrowed brows to emphasize my anger.

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