Chapter Sixteen

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I opened my eyes tiredly, raising my hand to my neck upon remembering what was happening. A frown crossed my lips when I saw I was alone, hearing only the sounds of the machines around me and the voices in the hall.

That's when realization kicked in and I shot into a sitting position, looking down at my body with wide eyes before darting my gaze around the room.

Everything appeared so advanced, bright, and extra detailed.

I slid off the bed, looking down at the metal tray sitting next to it that held two syringes and a cloth, spotting my reflection and gasping. I jumped away before reluctantly looking back at it.

My blind eye was identical to the other.

I can see again.

I smiled, hearing the door open so I turned to it and watched Wayne walk in with a smile of his own.

"Good mor—" he came to an abrupt stop, his smile falling and mine did the same. I scrunched my eyebrows and frowned, taking a step back against the bed in discomfort.

"Your e-eye... it's healed," he stammered, seeming surprised, then he walked over. I felt ice wash over my veins the closer he got and I winced when he extended his arm toward me, stumbling over the wires behind me.

I felt extremely exposed and vulnerable being alone.

"Oh, my apologies for startling you, Luna," he moved back, analyzing me with a frown, "may I see your eye?"

I looked around the room, hesitantly nodding and climbing back onto the bed. He came over after pulling gloves on and tilted my head back so the light hit my face, cautiously lifting my left eyelid then moving to my right.

"This is fascinating," he mumbled, releasing me and flashing a reassuring smile, "are you feeling any discomfort by chance?"

I shook my head and his smile faltered again, "I don't mean to sound rude... but you can speak now, ma'am."

I shook my head, my lip quivering as my body became hot out of nervousness and tears filled my eyes. He took the hint and nodded without saying anything more, looking to the door just as this gorgeous woman walked in. Her eyes met mine and I instantly recognized her as Axel's sister.

"How's she doing? Is she experiencing any strange side effects?" She walked in with a smile, raising her hand and waving at me. Wayne cleared his throat and pulled off the gloves before responding.

"Things have gone too well," he sighed, beginning to wash his hands, however,  his words made her frown.

"They're mates, Wayne, destined to be together forever. They fit together like puzzle pieces and stick together like magnets, obviously his blood is expected to heal her without any negative consequences. Where one lacks, the other compensates," she laughed nervously and I felt my heart start to beat faster, my anxiety raising at the sound of their worried tones.

"I understand the matebond, Ms. Gabbie," he paused, drying his hands then pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, his eyes jumping between us, "what I fear is his wolf may be able to access her mind and communicate with her."

Excuse me?

"Oh shit," she gasped, her beautiful silver eyes widening, "Axel will fuck you up so bad if he finds out his wolf can talk to her! Dax is so intense! This will humiliate him!" She burst into loud cackles, covering her mouth to muffle them and keeling over, clutching her stomach.

"I didn't say for certain, there is only a possibility. I need to run a few tests to be completely sure before I release her, just don't say anything to the Alpha until this is figured out," he groaned, opening one of the drawers yet an abrupt sharp, tightening pain began throbbing in my head and forced me to look down with closed eyes.

His Abused Mute LunaWhere stories live. Discover now