t w e n t y - o n e

Start from the beginning

Minho laughed, "I don't know about that Jisung, you pretty much look like a baby yourself."

Jisungs expression changed quickly, "I don't look like a baby! Do you see this handsome face?" He circled over his face with his index finger, "Bet you wish you looked like this." Jisung spoke confidently causing Minho to burst out laughing

"You're so cute when you're mad! Your cheeks get all puffy, almost like a squirrel!" Minho continued

Jisung hit him on the shoulder, "Oh shut up you rabbit!"

"Rabbit...?" Minho turned his gaze at Jisung. "In what way do I resemble one?"

"See, not so funny now?" Jisung scoffed

"It could be if you told me the reason behind it." Minho shrugged

"Well for starters, your teeth look like those of a bunny and your mood swings are as crazy as theirs. You can go from creating a complete havock to being calm." Jisung laughed

"You are a little spot on. I'll give you that. But I'm curious, who was that guest you saw?"

"He said his name was Yuzuru, he came with his wife and two daughters." Jisung said

"You mean Yuzuru as in Hyunjins private driver?" Minho asked curiously

"Who's Hyunjin?" Jisung said bluntly

"Don't tell me you don't know the CEOs name."

"Ohh, so the CEOs name is Hyunjin? He has a pretty name, how come I've never seen him?"

"Dumbass, you have seen him at the open doors event. You know, the man with the flowers on the collar of his shirt, tall, has a fit body and black hair?"

"Oh.My.God. Don't tell me he's that hottie?" Jisung said excitedly

"...Hottie?" Minho said confused

"He was around Felix all the time! And, he looked so damn good in that suit... Lucky is the bastard that gets him in between the sheets." Jisung laughed

Minhos mood changed drastically after hearing Jisungs opinion on Hyunjin. What was this strange feeling he was having? Envy.

"Have you ever thought about that bastard being you?" Minho asked, his expression unreadable

"Hmm... Now that you mention it, I don't think it would be bad but I'm pretty sure he has his eyes on Felix." Jisung chuckled

"So you did." Minho replied

"I never said that, but now that you mentioned it, I didn't think about it until now. I don't usually have such fantasies. Why the sudden question?"

"Just curious. A lot of people here are head over heels for him." Minho shrugged

"I can see why, if I'm being honest. Do you have your eyes on anyone, now that we are on this topic?" Jisung said locking eyes with Minho

Minho paused at the question, a picture of Jisung flashed in his head giving him a vivid answer. 'What the hell is wrong with me...' Minho thought

He then got up from his seat, saying: "Let's clean this up and get back to work. You're slacking."

Jisung looked at him in confusion but agreed anyway, getting to work himself.

'What's up with him all of a sudden?' Jisung thought to himself


As their shift was coming to an end Jisung noticed Minho acting more distant with him than he usually did. This confused him but he decided against questioning his behaviour at the moment. Jisung settled on one conclusion being: Minho needed time for himself.

Minhos thoughts were all over the place, noticing how he slacked in his tasks after what happened earlier. He was confused as to why Jisung came to him as an answer. Minho wanted to resolve it all in his head on his own, but right now, he was struggling to do so with Jisung by his side. 'It's all his fault.' Minho thought

Jisung was the one to walk out of the office first, with a bright smile on his face. That smile which annoyed Minho so much, it annoyed him because it awoke a strange feeling inside him. Once Minho saw that Jisung left, he sighed leaning his back into his chair with his head back. "That smile is going to cost him tomorrow." Minho said outloud, meaning that he'd give Jisung more tasks so that he'd have less time to look at him

Minho smiled at the thought of Jisung getting all grumpy, finding it cute. That's when he widened his eyes, realizing what he just did. Minho slapped himself, getting up to leave the office himself.

Minho walked out of the hotel, unlocking his car midway. He sat in the drivers seat, starting his car with an angered expression. His head was messing with him, every single thought had Jisung in it and he wanted him out of it.

Minho then started the car, driving off towards his apartment.


Felix and Hyunjin were both seated on the couch, Felix rested his head on Hyunjins shoulder as Hyunjin played with his hair. The two have been cuddling for a while, not saying a word. They felt comfortable with each other, even in silence.

"Hyunjin." Felix said looking up at him

"Hm?" Hyunjin hummed through a small smile, looking down at Felix

"I'll probably sound dumb right now but, what do you want us to be? You did say that we could keep it a secret but what exactly is it?" Felix asked, his expression giving away his nervousness

Hyunjin smirked looking away. "Hmm, from what I recall I said I wanted you... Doesn't that say enough?" He said looking back at him now, it was obvious that he was teasing him

"I'm serious here~ Don't tease me!" Felix said through a smile

"Okay okay, I'll listen to you prince." Hyunjin laughed "What I meant by it was a relationship, I would like to be your boyfriend. Only if you let me?"

Felix blushed as he gave Hyunjin a stare. "Earth to Felix." Hyunjin smiled flicking Felix's forehead

Felix quickly shook himself out of his small spacing out. "Sorry, I was taken back by how direct you are."

Hyunjin chuckled, "And may I ask for an even more direct answer?"

Felix nodded. "My answer is, yes. You may be my boyfriend."

Hyunjin smiled from ear to ear intertwining their hands. "Thank you."


Minho walked inside his apartment, tossing his coat and tie onto the couch before he walked inside the kitchen taking a bottle of whiskey out of one of the stalls. He then made his way to the balcony where he sat down, pouring the alcohol into the glass everytime he'd finish the previous one.

He thought that doing this would help as a distraction, which partially worked until the thoughts came running back to him. Minho sighed out of frustration, placing his elbows on his thighs as he leaned forward with his hands on his face. 'Go away please, you and your stupid smile and pretty face.' Minho repeated to himself until the alcohol took all control over him

He was drunk, very drunk. He felt dizzy and too tired to move. Minho saw his phone on the table, smiling at the thought of hearing Jisungs voice and since he had no control over himself, he dialed Jisungs number.




Author J

Hello~ Took me a while to publish, damn. Look forward to the next chapter though~, I'll keep the hints a secret even though I can't wait 😗

Hope you're doing well 🩵

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