"Alright, my love. I'll see you later."

"Bye," I wave her off as she leaves the front door.

I find myself staring at it for a few moments. Declan texted me yesterday and I still haven't got round to messaging him again. If he's as genuine as he says he is, then we're going to need some time to sit down and discuss everything to the smallest detail.

A part of me still doesn't understand why he'd want to help us but I guess the more time I spend with him, the more I'll understand. I just can't fathom why a stranger would want to help us, kindness in this world is rare.

Maybe I should stop dwelling and accept that not everyone is out to get us.

The silver lining that we've been waiting for this whole time. We just need to take the chance and do something before we lose the business altogether. I don't even want to know what it'll do to my mother if we get into that position.

I get to the cafe twenty minutes later and set up for the day. I walk to the front door and unlock it, twisting the sign around to say that we're open. Yesterday was the first day I worked at the cafe since the robbery and it's safe to say that it still has me a little shaken.

The police said they're still working on finding the thief but no doubt they've got bigger things to deal with than a couple hundred from a till.

When it reaches midday, I'm already run off my feet. With one of our coffee machines leaking and only another to make the drinks, it's been a tough day. Now worrying about something else that needs to be fixed and these machines aren't fixed. But that's another day's problem.

The bell above the door rings but I'm too busy trying to clean up the mess from the leaking machine that I barely have time to glance up. "Hi," I say below the counter. "I'll be with you in a second."

"No problem."

My eyes shoot wide as I glance up to find Declan towering over the counter. I stand up and dust down my hands on my apron. "Hey," I say, a little flustered.

Declan's dark eyes roam my entire face, something like concern settles on his features but I push out a smile anyway. "Hey," he responds. "First day back?"

I nod. "Yeah it is."

"How are you feeling about being back?"

My shoulders raise gently. "Don't really have time to think about how I'm feeling, the shop needs to go on."

His lips slant to the side. "I see," he nods. "Are you here alone?"

All I do is nod in response. His face morphs into a look of discomfort.

"We can't really afford to pay anyone else to help out right now," I scratch the back of my head awkwardly. I hate talking about our struggles but I know Declan already understands the fate of the shop, no point trying to sugarcoat it. "So it's just me at the moment. Would you like a drink?"

"Please," Declan nods and reaches for his wallet.

I get to making his drink, his usual. I try my hardest not to glance up as he watches me. For some reason his gaze feels a thousand times hotter than usual and I feel so exhausted, I don't even want him to look me in the eye to see my bags.

"Here you go," I say as I place his cup down on the counter.

Declan pays and tips as usual. At this point I just accept it because there is no point in arguing with him, he doesn't let me win.

"Have you had a chance to think about my proposal?"

I nod and place a hand on my hip, leaning into the counter. "Yeah, I mean I think we'd need to discuss it more, especially with my mother. She's a bit weary."

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