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The last few days at Alex's were uneventful. Sam spent all that time without calling, which pissed Alex off more than it pissed me, and the kids were in the best behavior. Of course, I had a few mental breakdowns as I didn't fully understand what Sam was about, but I was thankful that Alex was around. I actually got to meet some of Alex's new friends as well as some of Alex's old friends (who were also friends of mine, but that I lost when I signed the divorce papers). But the day had arrived, I was finally going back home. Or not, maybe Sam had found a place to stay in London but as he 'forgot' to phone me, I didn't have a single clue of where we were going to live.

"You got everything?" Alex was leaning on the door frame of the guest bedroom as he saw me pack my luggage (and Elliott's as we agreed that Beth was staying a few more days with him).

"I think so" I sighed and stood up. I had a spent a good two hours packing everything while Alex distracted the kids.

I heard Alex's footsteps getting close to me. "I am going to miss you, Al" He whispered right into my ear, causing chills down my spine.

I turned to look at him. "I am going to miss you too, Lex. It was fun staying with you" I admitted. "Almost felt as if were mates again, you know, before anything happened" Alex smiled wide.

"I'd like that" I frowned slightly. "I'd like if you and me tried to be friends again, like the old times" Alex said while I nodded eagerly.

"Please, I cannot keep on having fights every single month with you, it's getting exhausting"

"Sorry" He muttered. "And I'm sorry about all the trouble that I caused with Sam, I was simply-"

"I know, Alex. It's okay" We both stayed looking at each other in silence. I knew he had many things to say, and I did too, but thanks to that month it felt like our connection was back and we didn't need to say anything to understand each other.

It was then when it happened, Alex leaned forward and kissed me. I didn't pull back of the innocent kiss. It almost felt like the type of kiss that children give to each other when pretending to be 'dating' at the age of six. It felt as if it was more like an 'Hey, I'm sorry and I missed you' sort of kiss. Which only lasted a few seconds.

When Alex pulled back he looked at down at me with a expression of panic. "Oh god, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright, don't worry" I reassured him. I nodded softly while biting his lower lip, gesture that indicated that there was something running through his mind. He opened his mouth and closed it again. "Sam will be here in no time" Alex finally said.

He helped to carry all my belongings downstairs, where the kids were (once again) playing fights.

"Oi!" I called them out as I made my way to them. "What have I told you about playing fights?" The children didn't stop despite my presence there.

"He started" Argued Beth.

"I don't care who started, you're seven, Beth, and your brother is only three" I managed to get in between them, but as per usual, Elliott tried to kick Beth once again. "And the same goes to you, stop it now" I warned Elliott. He frowned at me and crossed his arms in his chest.

"Beth, listen to your mother, alright?" Alex said softly from in front of us.

In terms of parenting, Alex and Sam dealt with things in opposite ways. Alex was somehow more laid back but still authoritative. Sam, on the other hand, had gained himself a position of older brother rather than being a dad so dealing with fights was more complex for him as he was like an older brother who brings candy every time he gets back home.

Just a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and the children sprinted at the thought of Sam being here again.

"You're a great mother, Alice" Alex whispered as we made our way to the door together.

"You're not a bad father yourself" I smiled at him. Smile which faded as soon as I saw that the one coming to pick us up was no other than Liam.

Don't get me wrong, I was not disappointed, really, but I was expecting Sam.

"Uncle Liam" Both kids yelled at the same time, hugging Liam.

"Hey, you two, I missed you like crazy" Alex looked at me, obviously not knowing who that man was.

"He's Sam's older brother" Liam stood up and came to hug me.

"Sam's busy with a few things at the moment" Liam explained.

"Sam's been really busy lately, hasn't he?" I muttered.

"You ready to leave?" Liam asked once he stepped back from the hug. I nodded although I was unsure, I was ready to leave with Sam, not with Liam. I turned around to meet Alex who already had a sad smile on his face.

"I'm going to miss you, Al" He said softly.

"Come here" I whispered as I pulled him into a hug. Liam took the kids to his car to leave Alex and I alone.

"I had a great time this month" Alex admitted.

"Me too and the kids as well. Keep on working on the songs you already have for the new album, I love them" Alex gave me a genuine smile. I knew that he was never too confident when it came to song writing, and that he needed a sort of reassurance to be able to release them.

"Call me, alright? Every now and then, at least" I nodded.

"I will" Alex kissed my forehead softly and I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch.

"Come on, you should get going. You have a long way up to Newcastle" Much to my dislike, we said our goodbyes and I, reluctantly, made my way to Liam's car, where Beth was already in her car seat.

"I thought you were staying at your dad's for some days?" I asked her.

"Alex agreed to let her come with us" Liam said. I frowned slightly.

My confusion got bigger when I saw that instead of heading back north, Liam drove us to London. I directly assumed that Sam found a place for us and decided to keep this information to himself. But my confusion got even bigger when he stopped in front of the most beautiful church in the outskirts of London.

"What-What are we doing here?" It was then when Alexia knocked on the car's window, which Liam rolled down.

"Welcome to your own wedding!" Alexia said.

Sleepwalking // Sam FenderWhere stories live. Discover now