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"So..." Alexia said. "What you reckon about that lad over there?" She pointed with her head to one of the waiters. He was busy chatting with an old man who had entered the pub a few minutes earlier. I could only see his back from where I was but I could tell he was broad and tall. It seemed as if his blonde hair had recently been trimmed and we could hear his laughter from our table.

"Sam?" Asked Anne. "I mean, he's well fit, innit?"

"You've always had a sorta crush on him you silly. I was asking Alice" Said Alexia.

I was in my own world, still looking at him from the side until I heard my name. "Uh, what?" It suddenly hit me that they were talking about Sam and waiting for my answer. I shrugged. "I mean he's alright. Nice back and that"

He made his way over to our table with a wide smile. Alexa and Anne had attended the same college as he did and they hanged out in this bar often, so no wonder he was happy to see them.

"Well ladies, what can I get youse?" The question was answered by the girls by saying two different types of beer before his eyes landed on me. I saw then that his eyes were ocean blue.

"Uh-I'll get... Uh" I did not know what to answer. Not because I was caught off guard by his looks once he got closer but because-

"She's new round here" Alexia got Sam's attention. "She's American, you know, so she don't have much idea about pubs" Sam nodded.

"Right so" He turned to me again, still with the same smile. "I'll get you a pint of Guinness to welcome you to Shields then. It's on me" And with that, he turned and left.

"Well, seems like someone might get something from coming here" Alexia said.

"What you mean?" Anne asked. She was definitely not a synonym for smart.

"Duh, he seemed to fancy you" Alexia answered. I started turning red. He was fine but maybe it was too soon to even think of boys again.

"I don't think he's ready to date again" Anne said. "He was on and off with this lass called Maisie and I heard that she is sharing more than time with Sam's best mate"

"Is she?" Alexia asked. "I always thought she was stupid but I didn't think she would be that daft. Like, look at him" We all turned to look at Sam, who was serving our drinks while chatting and laughing with some other clients. "He is definitely a keeper"

"Boys like him are rare these days" Anne sentenced.

"Boys like him?" I asked.

"He is sensitive. He got picked on at college from time to time for that same reason. Boys up here don't cry unless their football team loses the Prem or something" Alexia raised her shoulders.

A girl came into the bar holding hands with a boy. More like, a girl stormed into the pub while dragging the boy with her while faking a laugh. I could feel the tension building up in the air but I did not know why. The couple made their way into the pub and sat down, still holding hands.

"I didn't know she could be such a bitch" Alexia said as Anne's mouth was hanging wide open.

"What... What is going on?" I asked.

"It's Maisie, Sam's ex, with Sam's best mate" Sam eyed them from the side and walked to our table with our drinks.

"Ladies" He said as he set the beers on the table. The pub had gone silent but he did not seem to care.

"Here" said Anne as he handed Sam a tenner. "And keep the change, yeah? You'll pay the next time"

"Nah" Said Sam. "It's on me and youse will pay the next time we're out" And with that, he walked back behind the bar stall, not without eyeing Maisie again.

The silence hanged there for a few minutes before anyone dared to speak up again. Maisie's order got taken by someone else rather than Sam.

"You feel like going out with us this Friday?" Alexia spoke again.

"Me?" I asked while she nodded.

"To a club, with Sam and the lads" Anne added.

"I don't know..." I sighed. "I want to because I haven't gone anywhere since Beth was born but I have no one to babysit her" I replied.

Beth was my daughter from a previous unsuccessful marriage. She was three years old and spent most of the time with me. I obviously had joint custody with her father but it was complicated. I had her in England (London, to be more precise) but shortly after, the marriage fell apart (before we could even make our way back to the States). Her father, being British and having family in Essex, decided to stay while I made my way back to New York with my newborn baby and by myself. My ex and I haven't been in touch since then as his parents often come up north to pick her up.

"I know someone who could babysit her" Anne said. Both, Alexia and I looked at her. "You can rely on her; she's look after my nephews a few times now and they came back alright"

"I guess I could try..." My non definitive answer was enough sending both of the girls into cheers. Perhaps because I had canceled the very same plan way too many times.

But this time was different. I turned my head to Sam, who was occupied refilling some old man's drink. This time, he was going to be there.

Sleepwalking // Sam FenderWhere stories live. Discover now