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"Chest pushed out so far his back could break, 'cause girls appreciate the very wost primates" Sam's voice echoed in the Lowlights.

It was just me this time in complete awe at every song and word that came out of Sam's mouth. He had something in him that felt magical. The pub was filled that night with people drinking while only a few  were chatting as most of the drinkers where enjoying the concert that the boys were giving. Thinking about it now, it was a shame for it to be free.

After a few more original songs as Play God, Dead Boys and Leave Fast, and a few Springsteen's covers, the concert came to an end at almost midnight. The pub was empty shortly after the boys finished playing. It was mainly me, the workers, the boys picking everything up and one last man. He was all suited up so it was an odd atmosphere to be in so late but no one stopped to think about his presence. Not at least until he approached to Sam.

I was sat at the edge of the improvised stage as the boys walked around me with their instruments.

"I've been thinking about travelling" Sam was talking to me. "You and I this January" He looked at me as he was lifting his amplifier. "And you know, the kid" The boys frowned as they heard Sam say this.

We were not a thing, yet. We kept it casual, no labels to it but not hiding it either. That does not mean that we had kissed in public, which meant that technically we were still mates in the eyes of everyone.

"I'm a bit short of money but maybe we can work it out" I replied. "The shelter is taking the best of me"

"I don't mean anywhere fancy. We can just take the car and drive anywhere" He said.

"We'll see, alright? One step at a time. We're still in November anyways" As I said this, the man in the suit approached to us. I was actually going to keep on talking but obviously I got distracted by the stranger who lingered around for a few seconds before talking to Sam.

"Sam?" He then asked.

Sam frowned. He then stood up and lifted his trousers. "Yeah, it's me"

"Well, hello. I'm Owain Davies" He offered his hand to Sam and Sam shook it. "Would you mind having a chat? I work in the music industry as a manager and when I heard that someone was playing tonight at a local pub, I decided to come around, have a pint and see how that kid manages. And well, I loved every second of your performance"

The boys and I stood frozen for the good five minutes talk that the man gave about how the concert was one of the best he has seen in years and so on. Sam remained with his eyes opened in shock and blinking every two seconds.

"So" The man said. "I'm going to give you one of this" He handed Sam a card with his phone number, email address and his name. "I will let you time to think about it but, I will give you a call in a few days to let you know if your record deal stops being a fantasy to become true. Alright?"

Sam took a few seconds to answer as he was still assimilating all of it. "Yeah, yes. I can't wait to hear from you again Mr. Davies"

"It's Owain for you all, since it's likely that we start working together, yeah? Enjoy your night" And with that, he walked out of the pub, leaving every one there silent.

Sam turned around to look at his mate with the widest smile before approaching them for a group hug.

"We made it guys" Drew said.

"Let's take it easy, alright? We're not signed yet" Sam said before breaking the hug. He then turned to me. I had stood up as I waited for my turn to congratulate them. "Come here, you" We both made our way to the other while smiling.

"I am so proud of you" I hugged him.

"This wouldn't be happening if you hadn't been there listening to my songs until four in the morning" He kissed the side of my head.

"Hey" I took a step back and looked at him. "Your songs are perfect, you all know it. You have seen the reaction of the pub to Dead Boys, yeah?" Sam smiled once again.

"Man, this is mental" Sam rested his head on my forehead. I could feel all eyes on us, just waiting for a kiss to happen. And it did happen, which was celebrated with an 'I knew it' from Dean and a few cheers.

"Oi! Keep it quiet, it's not as if I had asked her to marry me" Sam said.

"Not yet, at least" Tom said.

"How long have you two been like this?" Joe asked. I shrugged.

"Around two months?" I said.

"You cheeky boy can keep a secret from your mates, aye?" Drew said. "Come here you two"

And that was our first group hug. Those kinds of hugs would be later repeated each time that there was something to celebrate. What I did not know is that those hugs would often smell like sweaty men as typically would come after an important concert.

What Sam and I did not know was the consequences that such record deal would have in our relationship.

Sleepwalking // Sam FenderWhere stories live. Discover now