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Day number nine without Sam around. I missed him more than I would like to admit. Since we met, we spent a lot of time hanging out together and this was our first time apart (other than when we got angry at each other). I quickly found myself involved with Sam's family as soon as he left. As I barely had anyone, I spent as much time as I could with Shirley and I even went shopping with Liam (Sam's older brother). As for the girls, Alexia was in London during her 'spiritual disconnection from northerners' week'. Anne, on the other hand, was sitting in front of me, ranting about how much she hated mayo in her sandwiches. I loved that girl to bits but I have to admit that she not the definition of smart and sometimes, being with her was as being with my daughter.

We were (or, I was, at least) scanning the menu of a new restaurant. The thing was, I knew that something inside me was not right. I had been having morning sickness and nothing in the menu seemed okay with my stomach as everything made me feel nauseous. Right after we made amends during Christmas and after we said to take it slow, we had sex. And no, I am a mother, I am not stupid, I was on the pill as my periods were too heavy and too painful but accidents happen, right?

My loneliness reached to its peak when I started having the feeling that I might be pregnant again from a boy I met in October and it was January. There was no way that this was going to turn up alright. And I couldn't be arsed with Anne's rant about sandwiches and tuna and ham, I honestly couldn't care less.

"What can I get for you today, ladies?" The waiter finally came over, interrupting Anne's monologue.

"Can I get the pulled pork hamburger, please? With a glass of red wine as well, thank you" Anne ordered.

"And for me..." I scanned the menu one last time. "I'm having the Caesar's salad with a bottle of water, please?" The waiter nodded and left.

"Since when are you drinking water when we're out?" Anne immediately asked.

I shrugged. "I have been feeling off lately, maybe I caught a cold or something" Anne kept on ranting about how Netflix was expensive, how she got her hair done at a new place and they messed it up and then she changed the topic to explain to me the group dynamics that they had in college (British college).

"So that's how I met Alexia and Maisie used to be part of our groups of friends until she got involved with Sam and the poor lad had to stand her for the two years that college lasts. I was into Sam myself but he only had eyes for Maisie" I was playing with my fork, I honestly could not stand this conversation, where was Alexia when needed? "I had a sort of thing with Drew and Alexia dated Tom for a while. You know, those two still have feelings for the other but won't admit it. What a stubborn pair"

Finally, the food arrived but I just couldn't eat. I felt sick and just looking at the food made me want to throw up.

"Are you not going to eat that?" Anne asked.

"I think I might pregnant" I said. Anne dropped her food onto the plate.

"What?" She asked.

"I think I might be pregnant" I raised my head to look at her.

"Hold on a minute, have you and Sam... you know, done the deed?" I frowned.

"Of course, babies don't fall from trees" Anne was left with her mouth wide opened.

"I thought you and him were just friends" Well, she must be the only one who thought than in the entire Newcastle. "Why do you think that you are pregnant?" I rolled my eyes, this girl.

"I can't eat and I have been throwing up every single morning and almost after every meal" I said.

"Well... Have you... Are you going to tell Sam about this?" She asked, to which I shrugged.

"I feel like I should tell him, if I am really pregnant, he is going to be the father"

"Because you are... like... a hundred percent sure that it is his, right?" It was my turn to open my mouth.

"Anne! I arrived in Newcastle less than a year ago and the only male contact I've had is with Sam. It is his" I would have loved to have Alexia here. She was the most independent one but she had a motherhood-like attitude.

"Take a test then" Well, thank you Miss obvious.

The rest of the time, we spoke (Anne spoke) about how lucky I was to be with Sam and how she fancied him (quite a lot) during college. I found this weird and uncomfortable since I did not care and I might be having his baby but whatever. I quickly found an excuse to go home since I was exhausted and as I walked back to mines, I wrote myself a mental note to never hang out with Anne by ourselves again. As soon as I landed on the couch, I fell asleep. And by I fell asleep I meant that I fell asleep at 2pm and did not wake up until 7am. Maybe the routine of driving to Durham every day to check the state of the shelter and then going to work, to drive back to Durham again was not a good idea anymore. It was early but I decided to ring Sam anyways as he is an early bird when he was in the studio. As Beth was with Alex, I did not have to worry about her overhearing anything.

"Yeah?" Sam answered with a raspy voice, as if I had woken him up.

"Sam?" I asked with a smile plastered in my face. I was like a teen girl with this boy, I swear.

"Alice? Are you alright? Is the kid alright?" I could hear Sam sitting down on his bed.

"We're fine, love. I was just wondering when are you going to come back" I asked.

"Uh... In two days, I think" It was a Tuesday so he was back on Thursday morning.

"Alright" I said.

"Why? Did something happen?" Sam asked.

"No, I just... I have some news and I wanted to tell you in person" I was nervous about this entire situation.

"Right, so just two days darling" I nodded with the smile still growing on my face.

"Alright. See you then, love. Bye!" And with that, I ended the call.

Sleepwalking // Sam FenderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant