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I woke up the next day to a soft sound of an acoustic guitar. I turned to look at the clock and it marked 9:30am. I was surprised that Elliott hadn't made a sound at around 7am , as it was his normal wake up time. I got out of bed and followed the sound of the music, only to hear a soft hum accompanying the instrument's melody. The music came from Sam's improvised studio, which consisted of a couple of guitars, a microphone and other instruments. The odd thing was that the door was opened. It was strange only because Sam usually closed the door when working in a new song so that he could fully focused himself on the melody. Then again, I was surprised that he was awake so early seeing that he went out for a beer the night before.

I slowly walked to the door and leaned against the door frame. Sam's back was facing the door so he hadn't seen me. Elliott was looking at his father in awe as he held a toy in his small hand.

"They say I'm the spit of you, and they're not wrong. I bury my head too. Stomach hurts all the time, can't shift it, been like that since eight. Knotted up with the baggage, neck like a stone. All sounds just like you, smashing cups off the floor, and kicking walls through. That's me and you" Sam sang. I leaned against the door frame. By the sound it, Sam must have spent quite a long time awake and working on the song.

I was eager to listen to the entire thing but Elliott noticed me so he smiled and pointed at me, action which Sam noticed. Sam turned around and a soft smile formed in his face as he saw me.

"Morning" Sam said.

"Good morning to you, early bird" I walked to him and pecked his lips softly.

"Aye, I got a few lines stuck in my head and I needed to get them out" I leaned down to take my baby into my arms.

"I loved it" I kissed Elliott's head. "And what are you doing here, little man?"

"He woke up around two hours ago and I was already up so you know, I didn't wake you up" Sam left his guitar right next to the others. "I was about to go pick Beth up from my mam's"

"Do you really want to do that?" Today Beth was leaving to be with her father and she couldn't stand it. Picking her up from Shirley's today meant a interminable tantrum about she hates Colchester and she could get quite intense.

Sam lifted his shoulders. "Someone has to and you" Sam walked closer to me . "Need to have breakfast and get yourself ready because tonight, the three of us are going out" I lifted my eyebrows in surprise.

"Are we?" I turned my attention to Elliott. "Did you hear that? Daddy's taking us out" I made my way to the kitchen while Sam was getting ready to leave.

"I'll be back soon, love" Sam said loudly from the front door.

"Alright, be careful" I answered.

And as expected, while I was getting Elliott ready for the day, the front door opened and a crying Beth, held by Sam, came into the house.

"I don't want to go" I heard my daughter cry from downstairs.

"I've told you that you have to go, Beth" Sam told her what we have already told her a million times before.

"Why can't stay here with you and mom and Elliott?" My daughter's voice was raising and her cries were getting more intense.

I finished dressing Elliott up and quickly made my way downstairs seeing where Beth's tantrum was heading.

"Because" Sam kneeled down to her height and spoke in a soft tone as he caressed her arm. "You need to go see your dad and spend time with him, aye? I'm sure he misses you, love"

"But you're my dad too, why can't I stay with you?" Sam turned to look at me. I was cradling Elliott in my arms as he stared at Beth with his blue eyes wide opened.

Sleepwalking // Sam FenderWhere stories live. Discover now