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Since then, Sam and I started growing closer. He and Beth got along pretty well and I have to admit that Shirley was an angel and saved my life a couple of times.

It was a Saturday evening when I opened the door of the Lowlights with Beth in my arms. As soon as we walked in, she jumped off my arms and run to Sam.

"Sammy" She ran with her arms up so he could pick her up as soon as she jumped into him.

"Hi love" Sam picked her up. "You alright?" Beth nodded. "You been a good daughter today" A second nod answered the question. He made his way to the table where I was already in with Beth still in his arms.

I did not bring my child into a pub just because I fancy a beer, Sam said that he had a surprise. The pub was weirdly packed but I had a table booked for me. Literally booked, it could be read "Alice and Beth" in Sam's handwriting. Anne and Alexia where to arrive anytime soon.

"The usual for you, darling?" He asked me as he managed to sit my daughter in a chair next to me as I got a few blank paper and crayons from my purse.

"Yes, and a small glass of water for Beth if you can, please?" I said as Beth started to draw.

"Sure thing" Sam leaned down to kiss my cheek and then left to get what I asked for,

Alexia and Anne then got into the pub, scanned the room and made their way towards us when they saw us.

"Hiya" They both greeted.

"Hello" Beth said.

"Hi girls. You know what's going on here?" I asked them.

"Yes, but Sam made us promise we wouldn't say a word" Alexia said.

"Yes, lips sealed" Anne added.

After a couple of minutes, and after getting served, Peter, the owner of the Lowlights, got into a kind of stage that they had and spoke into the microphone.

"Alright, tonight is a special night ladies and gentlemen. I have the honour to present... Sam Fender"

Sam made his way to the stage along with his friends Dean, Tom, Joe and Drew. I had unintentionally attended the first Sam Fender concert ever.

"Uh... Hello, my name's Sam. You may know me as I work here but uh... I decided to give this chance and if youse like this, this may become a usual thing I guess" A nervous giggle made its way out of his mouth.

He then took a step back from his microphone and turned to look at his band. Once he made sure that they were all ready, a song started.

"You were cracking all your fingers, with your eyes fixed to the floor. Sound had echoed down the street, by the monument you hear a man screaming to a megaphone: get your hands off the Middle East". At that time, I thought wow. Now, I still think the same. His voice was deep and echoed in the pub, which created a perfect atmosphere.

He sang a few more original songs and then covered some Bruce Springsteen's ones. My American self enjoyed this and even missed the American life-style for a few minutes. When he was done, he got down the stage and made his way to our table, not without stopping first to chat with whoever stopped him.

"You liked it?" He asked Beth as he kneeled down to her same height.

Beth nodded energetically. "You're just like daddy" Sam replied with a smile although he didn't know yet who was Beth's father.

"And did you like it?" He looked at me still from Beth's height.

"I can't believe that you can sing and write like that and you gave me I'm afraid I'm not going to be good enough speech" A small laugh escaped from his lips.

"You staying for a few drinks now?" He stood up. I looked at Beth as she fought to keep her eyes open.

"Don't think so" I pointed at my daughter with my head and Sam caught the message.

"I'll walk you home then" He offered.

"It's alright, you can stay here and enjoy your night" I answered as I stood up and started picking every single toy that Beth had on the table.

"Hey" Sam grabbed my wrist and lifted my chin so that I looked at him. "I am going to walk you home, it's not a question. It is late and you two shouldn't be by yourselves this late, alright?" I let him walk us home. I mean, I had no other chance really.

He carried Beth on his arms all the way to my apartment and she fell asleep on our way so I invited Sam in. "Want to have those drinks inside?" I spoke.

Sam smiled and followed me inside. "Her room's upstairs, the one on the left" He went upstairs and into Beth's room to get her into the bed as I opened our beers. I sat on the couch and waited for him to come down and sit beside me.

To say that this became a usual thing was an understatement. It started being our Saturday thing, then he would come around on Sundays, Shirley would babysit Beth on Fridays so Sam went back to mines on Fridays as well. He would pick up from school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and would be casually passing by on Mondays and Thursdays. And I loved every second of it. Life was easier with him around as he took Beth to the park whenever I was busy and I could just go to the Lowlights during his shifts if I needed to get something done as he would keep an eye on her. Beth also loved every second of it. She said that it was cool to have a second unofficial father even if Sam and I were simply friends. I think she was way too excited because even my ex-husband's father learned out Sam routine (as Beth called it).

Sleepwalking // Sam FenderWhere stories live. Discover now