- 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 - 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸'𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘷

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After the others had departed, Hunter and I were both skeptical, because why in the world would they be gone for so long? That didn't matter, though. Me and Hunter were both silent and hadn't spoken to each other since dinner began; we hadn't even taken a bite of the food Camila had given us the food was already getting cold by the moment.

Because I am more confident than he is, I was the first to break the silence.

I took my spoon and began to dig into my food. "I like how your hair is styled," I gave him a compliment, yet his hair did not change

"But it's messy..?" he replied, puzzled.

I laughed, "I know, let me fix it." I added as I adjusted the strands of his hair.

His hair was incredibly fluffy and adorable as I straightened the strands. Oh no, I felt petals popping through my hair. This was worse

Hunter noticed petals falling through my hair and asked, "Hey Will?.."

"Yeah?" I replied as I finished arranging his hair

"Uhm... your hair is blooming with petals," he said, pointing to my flower-filled hair.

"Oh, these are allergies! Don't mind them!" Allergies, alright.. But this was my way of making an excuse rather than saying nothing.

"Whatever you say, you're the Captain," he responded, taking a forkful of his food.

I hurriedly brushed away the petals that were streaming into my hair, and it eventually stopped.

After a few bites of food, me and him got the hang of it and were finally comfortable enough to converse

Suddenly I heard a scream going through the bushes

"Did you hear that Hunter?"

"Hear what?" he inquired.

"Nothing.." He eventually didn't hear anything, therefore it was most likely through my thoughts or whatever.


Meanwhile, Amity, Luz, Vee, and Gus were hiding in the bush, which had thorns on it. Gus accidentally went to the bush without any warning, and when he felt a thorn spike on him, he jumped, making Willow and Hunter look at the bush. Luz shut Gus up, saying, "Gus! they almost heard uss!" She whispered-yelled at him

"I think its better if we switch to another bush without any thorns with it.." Vee went on to say

"Vee is right, we should move to another bush" Amity agreed.

Gus and Luz nodded, and they all proceeded to another bush to seek for Hunter and Willow, but nothing happened. It irritated Gus and Luz since they wanted things to go quicker.

"Nothing has happened yet," Luz stated, disappointed.

"Agreed, I thought things would be much faster since we all left them both," Gus said.

"Guys, don't push them. I mean, we left them 10 minutes ago we should be patient" Vee replied as she peered through the bushes at the two "lovebirds"

Gus rolled his eyes "Fineee.. we'll wait patiently"


We didn't have much to talk about, so it was quite dull.

Hunter saw my boredom and commented, "You seem bored." Of course I was bored because we didn't have anything to talk about, and since we were also alone without the squad. I could spend all day listening to him tell his wolf documentary theories again and over, but no we ran out of topics.

"Yeah, I'm bored," I sighed

"How about we tell each other's interests?" Hunter said.

"Oh alright," I replied, relieved that he had finally thought of a topic on which I was going to become bored if he hadn't.

"What do you think about wolves?" he asked, keen to hear my thoughts on wolves.

"Well, I think they're cute, what about you?" I explained.

"I think they're awesome! The fact that they have different colors of their own is unique!" He stated proudly, thinking of wolves in that way was nice of him.

"Okay.. Speaking of wolves what do you think about flowers?" I asked.

"They're very pretty, like you," he murmured, and I blushed again as petals popped on my head. I couldn't figure out why petals were popping out of my head; was this witch puberty?

No way, that couldn't be witch puberty. I didn't have these when I was a child. But I do have a crush on him, so that explains the blooming petals in my hair.

"T-thanks.." I stammered and flushed at the same time.

He spotted my flush and the petals blooming through my hair and stammered, "O-okay! Uhm... What about you? What do you think of Flowers?" He blushed as well.

"Well, since I'm on the plant track and I grow flowers by my magic, I think they're very lovely, especially sunflowers!" I smiled at Him, He smiled back, and another deep eye contact was created.

He leaped "O-okay Uhm... W-what else.." after barely 6 seconds of eye contact.

"I think sunflowers are very beautiful, and they admire me of you. What's your favourite flowers?" I asked.

"Hmm... I think sunflowers, too," he replied.

"Oh, that's fantastic!" I said.

After a few moments of discussing our interests, I couldn't help but stare at his lovely magenta eyes as he spoke about his interests, oh how I want to kiss that boy. 'Willow, stop. What if he dislikes you? What if he thinks you're weird?' 'You're simply a weakling half-witch,' 'he wouldn't like you, you're just a half a witch Willow' my mind thought.

But no, I was the polar opposite. "Hunter.." I sprang through my chair, and he was perplexed. "Yeah?"

"I've felt things I've never felt before... I think I know why flowers pop up in my hair,"

"Why?" he said, puzzled.

"It's because... I like you Hunter," I stated, proud of myself, while Hunter stood there flustered, I think he likes me back? I'm not sure tho, but I felt relieved since I had been wanting to confess for a long time now.

"GUYS! GUYS! Look!!" Gus called out from behind the bush, revealing Hunter and Willow.

"IT'S HAPPENING!!!" said Luz.

"IT IS??" Vee inquired.

"No way Willow likes him," Amity stated

"IT REALLY IS HAPPENING!!" exclaimed Gus.

"WAIT, I TAKE MY ANSWER BACK, I THINK WILLOW," Vee replied, terrified that her money might go bankrupt because of a bet Luz brought with.

"Hehe.." Gus grinned. "My ten dollars?" Gus asked, holding out his hand, waiting for the money.

Vee sighed and handed Gus his ten dollars, unhappy.

Gus sniffed the money and exclaimed, "Yay Money!"

Teehee.. Next chapter is.. The Kiss 😙

- 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘏𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘢 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳 -Where stories live. Discover now