- 𝘉𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘎𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 - 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸'𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘷

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𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸'𝘴 𝘗𝘖𝘝

Me, Gus, and Amity have been waiting for Vee, Luz and Hunter to visit us at the abandoned house behind Camila's House Since Luz insisted us to Hangout there

"I'm boreddd.." Gus said to us

"Me too when will they come back?" Amity said while being impatient.

"Welp.. I don't know either, We have to wait." I told them and Both nodded at me

15 minutes later and after one minute they haved arrived

I opened the door to see Luz and Vee laughing at Hunter since he had pie on his face what was so funny about that?

"Sorry we're late! Long story- pfft" Luz said while still laughing at Hunter. To be honest.. Hunter is quite annoyed at Luz and Vee laughing at Him

"Why so mad Goldie?" I said to him teasingly,

Hunter sighed and spoke

"Well earlier I decided to tease Luz then BOOM!" making a boom sound with his hands

"I got pie on my face and VEE didn't HELP me at all. She just laughed at me Captain!" He told me

I laughed at Him a bit and he turned to look at my Face confused

"Oh- you're serious.. Sorry here let me help you" He nodded to me.

I went to Camila's House to get some tissue since there wasn't tissue on the Abandoned House since we were still designing it a bit, I grabbed a Tissue on the side of the Kitchen counter and went back there.

Hunter still had the pie on his face I leaned onto him and cleaned the pie on his Face "Thanks Captain." He told me with a slight pink blush on his cheeks and ears how cute.

"No problem Hunter!" I smiled at him and he smiled at me back his toothgap showed it was really cute to be honest


After cleaning that mess up on his Face Luz introduced us a boarding game called Uno that she bought earlier with Hunter and Vee.

"So this boarding game is called Uno" Luz told us and showed it so we can clearly see it

"I'll explain the rules.. Each player gets dealt a hand of 7 Uno cards to start. To play, you'll match one of your cards with the card that's been dealt from the draw pile. The first player to get rid of all of their cards wins the round. Then all players tally up their scores! That's all."

Welp that was long but we took notes of what Luz said so we won't forget when we played that game again.

"Ooo cool!" Gus said while grabbing the cards

"It's just like Hexes Hold Em but with Numbers. So this might be easy to me I say.." I told them since I love Hexes Hold Em Cards.


As we continued to play Me and Hunter were both the last players now, we also had 2 cards left.

"Let's see on who's gonna win Goldie." I told Him while my cards were on my hands

Hunter rolled his eyes "I'd like to see you try Captain" He told me

I gasped sarcastically and placed a card "Uno.."

His eye's lit up when the card's didn't match any of the colors nor the numbers on his own cards "Oh no. No no no no.." He said mumbling

I chuckled "What was that hm?"

"It's none of your business Captain!" He told me and took another card and placed it.

Luckily the Number matched my Card and I placed it

"I won!"

"Well... Congrats Captain for winning" He smiled at me and was looking proud

"Awee thanks Hunter!" I smiled back

"Such couples am I right?" Vee and Gus gossiping about us

Hunter's face turned red like Amity's and he falled to the ground

I quickly led him out for a hand

"Hunter are you okay?" I told him because I was worried

Why was his face was so Red?

"Yeah I'm fine Captain." He took my Hand and stood up

"You're really good at Uno Captain, even though it's your first time trying it"

"What can I say? I'm good at board game's" I said while I flipped my Hair

Hunter and I both laughed on what I said.

Meanwhile Luz on the other hand was holding another boarding game

Jenga? Woah that thing looks cool the design is also very nice

"What's that?" I asked Luz

"This is Jenga!" Luz started "Well it's very easy to play, You first create a tower, Second you take one of the blocks then stack it up on Top." Luz told me. While she putted the Jenga on the Table and she took the pieces one by one to create a tower

After Luz created the Tower "Okay guys take the blocks carefully and stack it up on Top"

I took the first block and carefully stacked it up on Top

Second was Gus he almost made the tower fall but who is he to blame? He is the Youngest and had Trauma like us too.

Amity took a deep breath while taking the block out and she sighed when the block actually didn't fell

Luz was next she was quite the expert at this game

Hunter was also next after Luz, The Tower almost fell but it didn't actually

He was new to the game everyone else was too Except for Luz and Vee they were practically Experts at this game.

Lastly we all watched Comedy Movies and ate Snacks and told Funny Stories.. This day was the best.

919 words tysm for 65 viewers! I hope you enjoy reading this,💛💚

I made this while going to school

- 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘏𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘢 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳 -Where stories live. Discover now