Sofia began her descent down the grand staircase. Caleb watched her, noticing the graceful sweep of her neck, the regal way she held her head as she moved. She would make a perfect Queen.

He stood and moved quickly in her direction, the crowd again parting for him.

When she reached the bottom of the staircase, she looked up. Her blue eyes met his and he heard the word scream through his head.


She dropped into a deep curtsy, and he reached a hand out to her. She placed her hand in his and tingles shot between them.

"Alpha," she said softly.

"Lady Sofia," he gave her a genuine smile, then turned to lead her to her father.

Alpha Jacob was watching them intently. He broke into a grin when he saw the looks passing between the two. The Alpha King mated to his daughter! He couldn't think of a more advantageous match for his beautiful Sofia. Caleb Remington was more powerful than the king of England.

Caleb was delighted. He had finally found his mate, and she was beautiful, well-poised and with her upbringing, would make a perfect Queen to rule with him. He longed to claim her right then and there, though it wasn't the appropriate time.

Sofia couldn't be happier. She was glad she didn't have to wait until the Summit to find her mate. And the King was so very handsome with his brown wavy hair and piercing blue eyes. The rest of the room almost seemed empty as she held his hand, enjoying the tingles and the smile he meant only for her.

Caleb moved back to the chair the Alpha had placed for him, and seated Sofia next to him, in a chair brought forth just for her, before turning to the crowd. "Today I am the luckiest man alive, for I have found my mate. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the next Luna Queen, Lady Sofia Graves!"

The room erupted into applause. The floor cleared after several long moments, and Caleb led his mate out to dance.

Sofia glided along effortlessly with him, enjoying her first dance with her mate. Tawny was bouncing around in her mind.

When they were finished dancing, they headed back to their seats, and spent most of the night being congratulated by well wishers.

The last few people left in the early morning hours, and the house began to finally wind down.

"Alpha, I have had rooms prepared for you and your men. Tomorrow, we can discuss arrangements for Sofia," Jacob said later as they sat in his billiard room, sipping on brandy.

Caleb nodded and sat his glass down. "It's been a pleasure, Alpha Jacob."

The Alpha stood, and bowed. Caleb followed the footmen to his room. He crawled into bed and laid there staring at the ceiling, wishing Sofia was with him. A sense of foreboding came over him, but he pushed it away, finally drifting off to sleep.

Sofia had returned to her own room some time earlier. Her maids excitedly got her ready for bed, chatting and congratulating her on finding her mate.

She slipped beneath the covers and laid on her back, staring up at the ceiling.

'There won't be many nights left in this bed, or room,' Tawny murmured with a yarn.

'We're heading on a new adventure,' Sofia responded tiredly.

'When do you think we will complete the mating process?' Tawny asked.

The mating process with werewolves was basically like marriage. Since she would be leaving with him to return to his pack lands, she assumed it would be very soon.

'I think he will have the mating and crowning ceremonies during the summit,' Tawny stretched, then curled up.

' That makes sense,' Sofia replied, curling up herself before she drifted off to sleep.


The next day, it was decided that they would return to the Regal Eclipse pack house in three days time.

Sofia's parents would come in a week, and as Tawny had imagined, the mating ceremony and crowning of the new Luna Queen would be held at the Werewolf Summit. Wolves from around the world would be attending, and it would be a perfect time for Sofia's coronation.

For the next few days, Caleb and Sofia spent as much time as possible together, while her belongings were packed for the trip back to Regal Eclipse. They would complete the mating process once they were back on the Alpha King's pack lands.

Sofia was in love. Caleb was sweet and kind to her, not at all how she had envisioned him to be. She loved spending time with him and couldn't wait for their lives to settle down so they could really get to know one another.

He was patient with her, and willing to let her chatter on about anything she wanted, whether it was the latest fashion or gossip about her pack, he always listened and would even ask questions.

The day finally arrived for them to leave. A wagon carrying the new Luna Queen's wardrobe would follow the Alpha King's carriage. Caleb sat across from Sofia, while Ragnar and Roland rode horses surrounding the carriage, giving the couple some privacy.

The journey would take two days. Caleb and Sofia made small talk, Caleb entertaining her with stories of his pack, his home, and his past.

A little over a day into the journey, Caleb was watching out the window, his mind wandering to the upcoming events. Sofia sat quietly on the seat across from him.

The day was hot and muggy, the carriage interior a bit stuffy. Sofia couldn't wait for the trip to be over. She felt suffocated in her dress, and Tawny wanted out.

"When we reach your pack lands, can I let Tawny out?" She asked Caleb quietly.

He'd been half asleep and opened his eyes slowly. "Sure we can. I think Storm needs to get out too, and he really wants to meet Tawny."

Someone is following us, Ragnar said through the mindlink.

Caleb frowned and sat up straighter, his drowsy state suddenly disappearing. The carriage came to a halt, and Sofia looked at him sharply.

"Stay here, " Caleb said and got out of the carriage.

Roland and Ragnar had dismounted and moved into position so that all three of them were surrounding the carriage.

The attack came swift and fast. Three highwaymen, humans, were set to rob what they thought was a wealthy couple traveling together. They had no idea that they were attacking werewolves. Two approached from one side, and the third approached from the other, weapons drawn, pointing them at the three werewolves. All three held their hands up in mock surrender.

"Step away from the carriage and no one will get hurt," the leader shouted.

"That isn't going to happen," Caleb smirked.

The man shot at Caleb, narrowly missing him. Caleb launched at him and killed him in an instant.

Roland and Ragnar grabbed the other two men off of their horses. Ragnar's man's gun went off, and Ragnar paused for a moment, hoping he hadn't been shot. He'd been shot once before and while it wouldn't damage him, it still wasn't pleasant. When he was sure he was good, he broke the man's neck.

"Ragnar, get rid of the bodies. Roland, grab their horses," Caleb said as he opened the door of the carriage door to check on Sofia.

She was still sitting on the seat, leaning back, her eyes staring blankly ahead.

"Sofia!" Caleb shouted. He moved quickly in and grabbed her. "Sofia!" Caleb spotted a bullet wound through her heart. He felt his own shatter.

"Alpha?" He heard Roland behind him. Caleb turned and pushed by him. He shifted into his wolf form, not caring that his fine clothes were torn to shreds, before taking off into the woods.

Roland turned back to Ragnar, who had looked inside the carriage. Sorrow filled his eyes. "The Luna Queen is dead."

The mournful howl of a lone wolf reached their ears.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now