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After Talking with Georg, I felt better. Ever since my father took me from the streets, it's been hard to come to terms with my current living situation, and not having someone to talk to is a regular occurrence.

I played with the little bit of food I couldn't finish, letting my mind wander to Gustav. I hadn't seen him almost all day.

After escaping Damian's, I became distant with Gustav, Not because I didn't love him but because I was constantly afraid of losing him...Again.

I tend to get people I love Killed, and knowing that is enough to drive me away.

He's comforted me the best he could. Most nights, when I had waking nightmares of my father or even my mother, he would be right at my side, soothing me back into a restful sleep.

"You shouldn't play with your food," Wolf gang spoke, walking into the kitchen with a cardboard box, "I wasn't that hungry.." I whispered, getting up from my seat and putting the dish in the sink.

"What's all that?" I asked, looking at the box as she pulled out random photos and objects from inside, "Some items I took from Damian's office. I could find something about where he might be hiding." She spoke, rummaging through, "I'm starting to get sick of this hide and seek." I responded, walking around the counter and grabbing a framed photo Wolfgang set next to the box, "That's you and your mom, isn't it?" Wolfgang spoke, examining the image I held in my hand.

The picture was the same one I ripped up the night I left home. "Do you mind if I keep this?" I questioned, looking up at the taller woman. "Of course..." She gave a sad smile, seeing my slightly glossy eyes; Wolfgang stopped me just as I was about to walk away.

"Elle, Before your mom... passed, she had a son, your brother..." She spoke the mention of her child, making my muscles tense. "From the things I've found in the office, Damian doesn't know of the child, but just know Damian won't hesitate to kill an infant; I hope wherever that child is, he will be safer not knowing who his sister is." She rubbed a hand over my shoulder, smiling reassuringly. I didn't bother to acknowledge her words; instead, I ignored the mention of the child clenching my fingers around the framed photo of the woman I used to know.

I closed my eyes tightly, remembering the image of her as she fell to the cold concrete the night I ended her life. "Maybe it's for the better. He doesn't know who his mother was either." I responded coldly before walking away, wiping a stray tear that rolled down my cheek.

Just as I entered my room, I noticed Gustav sitting at the edge of the bed, almost as if he had been waiting for me.

"Hey! Hotshot, I was wondering where you've been; I figured you went down to the beach at noon," I said, hoping to lighten the dampened mood. "Close the door, Elizabeth." He mentioned my full name, making me uncomfortable, "Yeah, sure..." I whispered, setting down the family photo and closing the bedroom door.

"Are you okay? Is there something you wanted to discuss?" I questioned, trying to get a feel of what was going on. Instead, he patted the bed, signaling me to sit beside him. "You know I love you, right?" He said, watching my every move as I took my seat.

"Gustav, you're making me nervous," I said, glancing back and forth between his hazel eyes. he gently grabbed my hand and held it just as he did when we first met.

"Let's get married." He bluntly spoke. My eyes popped from their sockets, and my jaw dropped; out of everything I figured he would say, tying the knot was not one of them. "W-what?" I responded evident confusion laced my tone. I removed my hands from his and stood to my feet swiftly.

"Elle, just think about it." He said, following my steps and standing before me. "Do you think we should even consider getting married right now? Katie is barely breathing, my psychotic father is on the loose, and Bill is, well... Bill," I said, still in disbelief at his words.

"The doctor said Katie would be fine, and Damian shouldn't be a worry. For all we know, he could be in Tokyo, and we can't base our whole relationship around Bill." Gustav held his eyes on mine, determination in his voice, "I just don't want to lose us, and between the chaos, it's starting to feel like I have."

His smile faded slightly, making him avert his gaze. He wasn't wrong; things have been rocky, "Gustav, look at me." I spoke sternly, causing him to look my way immediately. "I loved you the moment I saw you. Nothing, and nobody will ever change how you make me feel."

I pulled his face closer to mine and rested my forehead on his. He placed a hand just above my hip, resting it on my waist; I pulled away before looking deeply into his eyes and slowly welcoming him into a tender kiss.

Our lips moved in sync as if they were made for each other. A warm feeling filled my stomach, almost like butterflies. The kiss became heated with every movement we made. His arms swiftly lifted me, allowing me to wrap my legs around him.

I pulled away, halting any further actions, clearly knowing where this was headed.

"We don't need to do this." He spoke softly, almost as if he could tell I was nervous.

"N-No, No, I want this, Gustav. I want you." I responded demandingly. I wasn't going to ruin this moment, despite what Bill did to me in the past. This was my first real intimate moment. And it's with someone I love, I needed this.

"I'll be gentle." He smirked before placing me on the bed and throwing his shirt across the room. My eyes trailed his muscular body as he hovered over me with a cheeky grin. My heart was beating through my ears. I was almost sure he could hear it.

I don't know why I was so nervous, why Gustav made me feel this way. He then grabbed my hand and placed it on his bare chest. He whimpered slightly, adjusting to my cold fingers.

"Do you feel that?" He asked, staring down at me. I could feel the pacing of his heart and the way each beat matched perfectly with my own.

"Y-Yes."I shuddered. My Eyes Flickering from his chest to his Hazel embers.

"That's my heart, Beating for you, and only you, Elizabeth, I love you." He whispered, placing a tender kiss on my forehead. I could feel the warmth between my legs grow with every word spoken.

"Gustav?" I quietly spoke, allowing him to pull from me.

"Yes, Meine Liebe," He responded, The German rolling off his native tongue.

"Make me...Yours."


The Fallen Angel || Gustav SchäferWhere stories live. Discover now