.Mind Over Matter.

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I put out the last of my cigarette and made my way back toward the pounding music. Just as I entered the house, I heard the fire of three shots. I raced through the crowd of people, many ducking or running in the opposite direction, looking for an exit.

Katie was the only thing on my mind. She was drunk and, well, pretty, not to mention in my care if anything or anyone were to harm her. I don't know what I'll do.

Upon entering the living room, I saw my friend held at gunpoint by

"Tom?" I questioned out loud.

He spoke in some other language, which I guessed was German, as it sounded similar to how my grandmother would talk to me. I was able to pick up on a few words.

"Noch eine Puppe Bill, wir können im Moment nichts riskieren, brauchst du sie wirklich?"

I could only make out a few words like "doll and need it," though it wasn't enough to fully explain why they wanted her.

I glanced back from my hiding spot, trying to keep calm. I closed my eyes, thinking of a way to get Katie and her wasted ass out without being shot. I was suddenly shaken out of my thoughts as I was ripped from my hiding place.

"Leute, schaut mal, was ich gefunden habe!" the boy with long straightened hair shouted as he held me roughly by my arm and presented me like a trophy.

He shoved me toward the others. My heart dropped seeing a man dressed in tight-fitted black. I began to shake due to my growing fear. I glanced at Katie's body spread across the floor, and I almost panicked until I saw the rising and falling of her chest; the only severe injury I noticed was her forehead bleeding.

I looked at the man holding me. He smirked as He stopped me in front of the man in black. He had an 8mm pistol in his right hand and a cigarette in the other. I would be lying if I said everything about him wasn't alluring, Although those who know better knew how to stay away.

He examined me, looking up and down; I felt uncomfortable knowing my 'outfit' choice wouldn't do me good.

"I prefer blondes," he said coldly before clocking his gun and putting it to my head. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for my awaited death

"Wait!" I heard a familiar voice say. I slowly opened my eyes to see the boy who eyed me down earlier. "We could use her, hold her on display," he said to the taller male 'Display? What the fuck does that mean?' I thought, flickering my eyes between the two.

"What good is some, Whore gonna be to us, Gustav?" The man said as he grabbed my hair tightly, shifting my gaze to look at him.

"She is quite pretty." He smirked; this man was sick, and the look in his eyes told me that. "The Damian's Gang wants us. We need to build a status." The blonde boy Gustav said, 'Gangs great, this is how I planned my Saturday night would go,' I thought, glancing down at the pistol in the man's other hand. Maybe I could grab it. I need an opening, a distraction.

'I didn't want to do this, but here goes nothing.' I stuck my finger down my throat and began to gag myself harshly; my eyes were watering, and my face reddened. The tall man then released me slightly, allowing me to jolt forward from my place in front of him, reaching out for the gun and knocking it from his hand into mine.

I backed away, coughing as I pointed the weapon toward the group holding my sore throat. "Let us go!" I shouted dryly.

"Woah, Elizabeth, put the gun down," Tom said, finally speaking up.

"Tom, you know this bitch?" The man said mockingly.

"She's just someone I met outside Bill." He responded, 'Wait, Bill, that's his brother'. My eyes fluttered between the two boys, and I saw their similarities. "Twins.." I said out loud, holding onto the gun tighter now. "Identical and in the flesh," Bill said, not even scared I have him at gunpoint.

"So what are you guys supposed to be, huh? some fucked up version of one direction?" I shouted frantically, pointing the gun toward Tom, standing over Katie's resting body.

"If you don't Shut that pretty mouth of yours and put the gun down... I'll have no choice but to put a bullet into ginger here," Bill said, snapping his fingers to Gustav, signaling him to point his gun toward Katie. "WAIT, Wait!..." I shouted, making eye contact with Gustav, "Don't...Please".

I begged, and for a second, I swear I saw him slightly lower his gun but resume his position as Bill raised his voice.

"Then, Put.The.Gun.Down Now." I faced Bill as he walked over to me, towering over me, yet again making me feel useless. "Fine, Just don't hurt her," I said, lowering the gun.

"Good Girl, Georg, kümmere dich bitte darum," Bill said.

I then felt something hard whip across my face, Making me fall over and immediately come into contact with the hardwood floor. My vision became blurry and clouded with tears.

I touched my head, feeling a pool of blood run down my face. I noticed I had fallen beside Katie. I reached my blood-covered hand out to her, Hearing nothing but vigorous ringing and muffled arguing from around me. I held Katie's hand in mine.

I was giving in to the pain.


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