.Killer Queen.

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I rested the last few days, as my father suggested, he said it was best for the upcoming tasks. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but if I was in this deep it couldn't be that far from crazy. "Ms. Moore, it's Dr.Wolfgang I'm here to see how you're feeling?" I looked over to the doctor as she walked in slowly closing the door behind her.

"I told you I'm fine, The cast on my arm is off, I'm okay." I tried to reason with her, my father has sent her to check on me every hour, and it tends to be annoying. "You know you're quite stubborn," She said laughing slightly as she took a seat on the bed and lifted my shirt. "The stitches worked great and the wound closed! I'm just going to feel around the area I want to make sure you didn't form a blood clot during the healing process." I nodded and cringed as she touched my bruise, I rested my head back on my pillow until I felt her stop. "That's weird?" She said making me jolt to look at her confused expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked feeling uneasy. "I'm not sure..." She said quickly grabbing a stethoscope from her bag. She placed it moving it around in the area, "Please say something," I spoke a bit anxious as the room was silent. After a minute she pulled away her face distraught and confused, she took a deep breath before speaking, "Elizabeth you're a mother?" She said in disbelief, My eyes widened 'There was no way she had to be lying.'

"What are you talking about, No I'm not," I said moving away from her, "Elizabe-" She moved closer attempting to calm me, "I can't do this again your fucking lying!" I shouted tears forming as I began to shake remembering the blood-stained floors and the cold shower water that washed it away. "Again?" Dr. Wolfgang questioned.

"Elizabeth did you have a miscarriage?" Her voice was visibly concerned, "I'm a fucking kid, I don't know anything about being a mother, I already lost the child how the fuck am I still pregnant!" I shouted choking on my tears, I didn't know what to do. "You must have had twins...Elizabeth I'm so sorry-"I cut her off wiping the tears that flooded my vision, "I don't want your pity, and I don't want this child, it should have never been Conceived in the first place." I said my voice a low growl as held a hand over my stomach.

"We need to tell your father, you need proper care." She held my hand gently, "No, no one can know, please you can't tell him!" I moved closer now holding her hands in mine tightly, "When the time is right I'll have an abortion" I pleaded, she seemed unsure before letting out a sigh, "Okay just don't do anything to stress yourself... or the child." my eyes lit up as I pulled her into a tight hug, "Thank you, thank you..." I said my voice laced with desperation. We pulled away as a knock was heard at the door, I quickly fixed myself and calmed my breathing before telling the person to enter.

"Hey, sorry to bother but it's time for initiation..." Jamie said smiling toward the doctor, "Sorry doc Boss said, Duty calls" She shrugged. "Yeah she'll be right out" She replied as Jamie shut the door, "Please, stay safe." She grabbed my hands looking deeply into my eyes, "Whether you like it or not, there is a physical being within you now, you aren't the only one in danger." She smiled sadly patting my shoulder and leaving.

I was now alone with my thoughts, despite the silence being deafening, my mind was louder than a crowded room. I lost one child already, I don't know if I can bear losing another. My head was spinning, I took a deep breath before getting up and preparing to meet everyone, I wasn't sure how the initiation process went. But that was the least of my worries, the only thing on my mind was how I would hide my pregnancy, and eventually, if I decided to go through with it, how would I protect it from its father...

The night was cold I met with Jamie and the others and we arrived at what seemed like an abandoned warehouse, multiple trash cans had a fire lit within them keeping the surrounding area warm, the fresh smell of rain lingering as puddles formed on the concrete. My mouth was ajar seeing as the number of people that had already shown up. "Fuck yeah!" Roxie shouted excitedly as she poked her head out the window for a better look. "Who are all those people?" I questioned as we got out of the vehicle, "Those are your servants... your Highness" Roxie said bowing sarcastically before happily running off into the crowd. "Don't listen to her, she's still in her angsty teen stages," Aria said making Jamie and I laugh.

As we approached the mob I noticed a lot of the people were between twenty and fifty, Aria, Roxie and I were probably the youngest, I was reminded of how Gustav told me he and the others were the only children in The Eclipse and It broke my heart knowing the reason Jamie was here but considering Aria was possibly around thirteen made me feel worse.

"Look who's finally arrived, My daughter By Blood, Elizabeth!" I heard my father's voice as he stood tall in the middle of the crowd, as he shouted toward me the people parted beginning to stare. I looked over to Jamie only to meet with a light shove toward my father. I smiled awkwardly as I walked through the crowd, I took my place beside my father and scanned the crowd.

"Welcome Eclipse members! Tonight we come together to greet our newest member... and soon-to-be leader of our Family!" My father said happily side hugging me as the others around us cheered. "bring them out!" My father said snapping at a few guys beside us, I heard screams before three people were thrown in front of us, I gasped seeing a woman, a man, and a younger girl beside them. blood drenched their clothing, "What the fuck are you doing!" I shouted to my father.

"Bringing you your first kill..." he shouted walking over to the woman and ripping the cloth that shielded her eyes.

My heart stopped, and my body froze.



The Fallen Angel || Gustav SchäferHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin