.Butterfly Effect.

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I felt a bitter-sweet longing come over me, I was dying to see Gustav. I hadn't realized how much I missed him, His touch, The way his lips perfectly intertwined with mine. He was my missing piece, and without him, I'm sure I'd just be a dead girl walking.

I swerved slightly making Roxie jump. "Careful Elle! What happened to, Let's not die tonight," She said quoting me sarcastically, "I know, I know, I'm just a little shaky..." I replied glancing over at my father's gun. The sun was setting now, 'Great' I thought it seemed like all gang meets happen at sundown.

Considering it was now mid-November the nights had gotten colder, I chose the old parking garage by the playground I used to visit as a child. I figured it would be far enough out that my father would be too late to reach the girls, I had a plan to get them somewhere safe.

It wasn't the greatest choice but until I was able to fully protect them from him a nunnery was the best I could do. "Hey isn't that the place?" She said pointing to a building on her right side, My Breathing hitched seeing Six figures already waiting there. But one stood out the most, A Tall body frame and long Black dreads. "Bill..." I whispered making Roxie look at me confused. I drove into the garage drifting the car into park, and remembering to grab the golden revolver. I hid it in the back of my pants and fixed my shirt to cover it.

I gave a reassuring smile to Roxie before getting out and facing the group.

My eyes immediately wandered to Gustav, He seemed conflicted to see me. As if he wanted to run toward me but didn't know if he should, "You, Look...Good Elizabeth." Bill said noting my now shortened haircut.

"I needed a change." I spoke coldly, "Now Where's Aria?" I shouted keeping a good distance from them, Roxie standing tall by my side. He snapped over to Georg who pulled the girl out from behind a car, Upon seeing her I noticed how dirty she looked despite that she seemed untouched, "Aria!" Roxie shouted attempting to jolt toward her before being stopped by my hand.

"Don't do anything stupid, just follow my lead," I whispered loud enough for her to hear. Georg shoved Aria to her knees, "It seems you all haven't changed much." I said motioning to Georg, reminding them of the party we all so pleasantly had the chance of meeting at.

I spotted a familiar redhead hiding behind Bill, Of course, she would be hiding. "I see you still have that skank by your side?" I said making Bill turn to look at Katie, "Don't be shy now. Say hello..." He said ripping Katie from behind him, Roxie gasped slightly seeing Katie's face beaten and bruised, Katie glanced up at me tears forming in her eyes. Though I felt no remorse, she deserved every black and blue bruise left by Bill.

"She's good company I can see why she's your best friend," Bill said laughing slightly. "Was... She was my best friend, She lost that title long ago." I spoke out correcting him. I suddenly felt the gun I had placed in my pants behind me be removed, I quickly turned to face Roxie who pointed the gun directly toward my head.

"Roxie!" I shouted confused. "Pipe the fuck down everyone, Just give us Aria and no one has to die!" Roxie said her hands shaking I could tell she didn't want to have to pull the trigger, I could tell she didn't have the guts to kill someone she knew was innocent.

"Roxie just give me the gun, What are you doing?" I quietly asked thinking she had some sort of plan she forgot to fill me in on. "Just give us Aria!" She shouted making me jolt slightly at her cold tone, "Bill, Just fucking give Aria to us!" I yelled flickering my eyes between Roxie and Bill's.

In the heat of the moment, Gustav grabbed Aria placing his gun close to her face, "Don't hurt her!" Roxie shouted, Only the sound of muffled screaming could be heard from Aria. "Gustav!" I shouted confused at why he would do such a thing, I looked deeply into his eyes seeing nothing but hurt and despair. "Give us Elizabeth!" Gustav shouted ignoring my pleading.

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