.Family Line.

811 28 56

(Slight Sensitive Content in this chapter)

"Don't do this..." I said backing away from Bill slowly, "Why didn't you tell me..." he said walking toward me and backing me into the wall, "Bill I'm a kid, I didn't know what to do!" I shouted wiping the tears from my eyes, every word was true, I was only nineteen I wouldn't know any better, "I just want you to be mine, why can't you just do that." He said grabbing my face and kissing a tear as it rolled from my eye, "Cause I don't love you. and I never will" I replied gritting my teeth and staring deeply into his eyes, for a second I saw something change within him. As if I hurt him, he let go of my face placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Fine, Then you'll die with my child," he said his voice low as I saw a tear fall from his eye. He whipped out a purple metallic knife and jammed it deep into my stomach as I screamed, He backed away leaving the Knife plunged into my abdomen, I fell to my knees holding the knife as I gasped for air, "Why me..." I whispered holding my stomach as blood seeped through, "I love you Elizabeth, If I can't have you, no one can." he said kneeling and cupping my face with his cold hands.

I took this opportunity to remove the blade wincing ever so slightly and within one swift motion Stabbing Bill in his side multiple times, "Fuck!" he screamed out falling backward making me smile I picked myself up using the wall to help me, leaving my bloody handprints in the process. I grabbed the gun that he had stupidly left on the table beside me and clocked it.

"What goes around comes around Bitch, It's called Karma, Dumbass," I said weakly though my tone was nothing but rage, I shot a round into his arm making him scream, I limped over now standing over his hunched body, placing the gun just under his chin forcing him to look up at me, I smirked twisting the Knife deeper into his side as he groaned tears forming in his eyes. "You don't fucking know what I'm capable of," I said whispering in his ear, and shooting his thigh watching as he screamed in agony, I've never felt this way before.

It was exhilarating.

The door opened with Tom running in only to see his twin bleeding on the floor and me with his weapon. "Elle we can talk about this-" he spoke putting his hands up as I pointed the gun in his direction, "Fuck you, Tom." I fired a shot barely grazing his shoulder as he winced grabbing it, I began to feel dizzy upon losing blood I knew I had to get out, and now was my chance. "Take off your shirt now!" I shouted to Tom as he hesitantly removed his shirt revealing his muscular frame.

"Hand it to me," I said grabbing the shirt from him. "You know not to fuck with us Elizabeth, your smarter than this." Tom said slowly moving closer, "If you don't want to be down a brother, I suggest you back the fuck up." I said pointing the gun to Bill who was still bleeding out on the floor, "Okay, okay. " he said defensively throwing his hands up, "Let me go," I said walking toward the door.

"Don't do this. Elle" Tom said moving out of my way, "Tom, I didn't ask for this..." I said backing out of the hospital room slowly the gun pointed in their direction. I took a glance at Bill seeing his sorrowful eyes, before making a run for it. I was hunched over slightly limping As ran through the halls, I saw multiple bodies of patients along with staff. Their blood filled the hallway making me sick as the metallic smell lingered in the air.

I hid in a bathroom and attended to my wound biting down on Tom's shirt as I poured alcohol over the gash. I found a gauze and medical tape to wrap around my waist covering the wound. I looked in the mirror wiping the last of my tears, "You did this before and survived, you can do it again." I said referring to how my mother beat me leaving me half dead. I was speaking truthfully when I told Bill he didn't know what I was capable of, I've been through hell and back to get here.

I found a pair of scissors and began cutting my once-long dark hair. I cut around 3 inches off, my hair now falling just above my shoulder. I picked up the gun checking the barrel seeing as I only had two bullets left. I threw on Tom's shirt and took a deep breath before opening the door and making my way out of the hospital quietly.

It had been well into the afternoon now, and I ran barefoot, gun in hand. I was paranoid scared I don't like this game of cat and mouse. I Found an alleyway to hide in just until I was able to figure out where I was. I had no one now I was completely alone. Or so I thought.

I felt a grip on my arm as I turned around I was knocked to the ground. Before I passed out, I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

"Great we got the family line."

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