.Pinky Promise.

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Four hours had gone by, and Katie was unresponsive; three hours out of the four were spent in fear, and her heart stopped for five minutes, leaving me with a cold, barren feeling of guilt. Her betrayal meant nothing to me now. The household was tense. Bill stormed out when Katie went into cardiac arrest, handing the situation over to the rest of us. Traces of heavy Heroin were found in her bloodstream.

I knew Bill had something against Katie, but I didn't think he had the guts to take her out. The syringe he held in his grasp told me enough, although much remained unanswered.

I sat quietly at Katie's side, examining her sleeping body. Recently, due to my father's sudden disappearance, I've started to rely on memories of who I used to be. The night my mother beat me to a pulp, I'd wish she didn't drop that bloody belt. Maybe if she had just killed me or if I stayed there to die, then Katie wouldn't be suffering, and Jamie, Aria, and Roxie's deaths wouldn't be in vain.

I caused this, and whether I like it or not.

I need to be the one to end it.

"How is she doing?" I looked up to the doorway to see Georg leaning against it, "Wolf gang said the Herion is still running its course through her bloodstream, but she managed to keep her heart beating." I responded, grabbing the bottle of whiskey on the table beside me. "Y'know Gustav isn't too happy about you wanting to keep her alive, and as you may have noticed, neither is Bill and Tom."

I laughed sarcastically before taking a swig from the bottle of alcohol. "Yeah, I can understand Gustav, but Bill and Tom are in no place to say anything; trust me, if it were up to me, she wouldn't still be here," I spoke, knowing my words were only partly true, Deep down, I still had a love for Katie, I wanted to kill her for lying to me and the incident with Bill back at the hospital but none of those things mattered anymore, despite the circumstances me, her and the boys all had one thing in common now.

One goal: Kill the man who started all this.

"What happened at Damian's... I just wanted to apologize on behalf of the others. You shouldn't have been dragged into this mess." Georg spoke gently, taking the bottle from me and gaining my full attention. "Georg, what's happened to me was bound to happen whether or not I met you and the boys. Katie was already working for my father, and Bill was an added problem to an already bigger issue. My fate was set the moment I was born."

"That night... at the party." He stopped to make sure I was listening; he sat beside me, taking a swig from the bottle he had taken from me. "I told Tom to go up to you, mostly 'cause I was too much of a wuss to approach a pretty girl." He said, shocking me slightly. "I just felt the need to apologize. My feelings for you were gone when I noticed how Gustav looked at you as he put those frozen peas on your hand." He chuckled, running a hand through his long brown hair.

I unconsciously grabbed the hand that held the bottle, causing him to flinch at the sudden contact, "Thank you, Georg," I spoke, looking into both his eyes, making sure he knew how grateful I was, seeing as he was one of the few who decided to tell me even a little bit of something truthful. "Don't thank me; it's weird," He joked, handing over the bottle and allowing me to drink from it again.

"You're stronger than you think, Elle, I was pretty proud you kicked Bill's ass. I've been waiting for someone to do it. That spoiled brat needed a good ass whooping." He said, making me almost spit out the hard liquor in my mouth. "It wasn't that hard, honestly, but on the bright side, I got some cool scars." I Joked, setting down the whisky on the nightstand. "I'm going to go eat something. It's about time I stop downing my troubles in cheap spirits." I chuckled, rubbing my stomach slightly, realizing I hadn't had a proper meal in what felt like ages.

Just as I stood to leave, I felt Georg grasp my wrist gently, making me look down at where he sat.

"Could you do me a favor, Elizabeth?" He asked, his voice colder now but not how Bill spoke; it was a sadder tone. "What's up?" I responded, letting my curiosity follow. "Don't get yourself killed. I know how selfish this may sound, but I've never seen Gustav happy like this. Before you came around, he was as silent as a mouse and would frequently drink as much as you do. I know you. When we find Damian, Promise me you'll let Bill take care of him."

His last few words shocked me. How could he ask me not to immediately kill the man who ruined ALL of our lives? "Georg, I know what I'm dealing with. Damian may be a monster, but he is still flesh and blood; he isn't invincible." I spoke, moving back slightly so we were now face to face.

"I know. Please promise me for Gustav." He responded with pleading eyes. I knew eventually I would break his trust, but for now, agreeance is the only way any of them will listen to me.

"Okay, fine," I said, rolling my eyes and watching as Georg extended his hand and stretched out his pinky. "What are you doing, Georg? We aren't kids." I giggle, seeing as my words hurt him. "Don't diss my pinky promises, Elizabeth; I'll have you know absolutely no one can break a pinky promise." He grabbed my hand, "Now do it, or I won't believe you."

"Jeez, I'll play along, But that doesn't make this any less ridiculous." I laughed before linking my pinky with his.

"I pinky promise."


Releasing this late sorry, loves <3 Here is some Georg action for my Bass girlies

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