.The Dealer.

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I sat on the bed, looking around the room. The design was quite luxurious, the most prominent colors within the space being black and gold.

I let out of breath I didn't know I was holding. I couldn't believe I was here. I began recapping my childhood. However, most of it seems like a blur. The night my father left, my mother did mention something about never wanting me. I always thought it was a heat-of-the-moment thing, but if she meant it literally. Maybe she was in the same position I was in.

I heard a knock at the door, making my head jolt, "Who is it?" I asked, getting up nervously, "it's just me!" my muscles relaxed upon seeing Jamie. "Oh, come in," I said as she shut the door behind her." I just thought I'd bring you a few things for dinner tonight; Damian doesn't like his company underdressed," she spoke nervously, laughing. "Well, that's good to know he sees me as a company," I said, disappointingly plopping back on the bed. "He means well. Trust me, Damian took me in," she spoke, sitting beside me and placing the pile of fresh clothes beside her.

I sat up, looking at her intently, waiting for her to explain. "I was kidnapped from my family. Or that's what I'd like to see as I was sold for money since my family lived in poverty. I was a victim of trafficking. And The man that took me was planning to use my body parts to sell them on the dark web." My heart fell. Jamie was the oldest of the three, but I could've never imagined something like that would happen to her. She seemed so tough.

"I'm so sorry, Jamie..." I said, placing my hand on her shoulder and slightly smiling. "Look, I don't know what you've been through, and by all the marks on your body, I'm sure it was hell." She said, making me chuckle, "You have no idea," I responded.

"Just give him a chance, promise?" Jamie said, holding up her pinky finger. I giggled. "What are we, children?" I said, intertwining our pinkies. "hey, don't be hating on my promises." we laughed. I like this; I missed bonding with someone, although it reminded me of Gustav. My expression became visibly sad. "What's wrong? Are you in pain?"Jamie asked, searching my eyes.

"No, I'm just thinking about someone I left behind. God, I'm so stupid." I said, running my hand through my hair. "Whoever it is, I'm sure they will be okay as long as you're okay." She said, placing her hand on mine and giving a reassuring smile. She was right: I need to worry about myself; Gustav will be fine, although I can't say the same for Katie.

"let's get you ready, okay?" She said, helping me up. I kept feeling like a burden. I feel pathetic. Disgusting. She brought me over to the bathroom. I lifted my shirt, and I saw the stitches around my wound. "Well, shit." I muttered, "Yeah, I know you took a beating. You're quite strong, though, and I admire you for that," she said as she turned on the shower.

"I'll be right outside if you need me!" She said. I faked a smile as she shut the door behind her. I stared at myself for a moment. I couldn't believe this was me. My hair is short now. I figured cutting my hair would help me stay hidden, but I guess it was pointless; my eyes were lifeless, and my body was covered in purple bruises, along with new cuts and some scars.

I rubbed the back of my hand across my face, the side Bill punched. I winced slightly as it was still sore. "Fuck." I spoke, my voice barely above a whisper; I hated feeling pathetic like I couldn't do anything. I shook off the thought and shied away from my reflection.

After a long shower, I put on the clothes I was given. Jamie handed me a black pantsuit; It was comfy yet formal. I then followed her as we headed to the "Important dinner," The only thing on my mind was getting the fuck out of there and possibly living an everyday life; I noticed how open the house was.

Windows were everywhere, yet from what I could see, we must've been on private land. All I could see was a forest that surrounded the area. I saw the other girls sitting down as we entered the dining room. "Roxie, feet off the table, Damian doesn't like that!" Aria said, hitting Roxie in the arm. I stifled a laugh, causing the two to look up at us, "Elizabeth, you made it!" Aria said happily as she stood from her seat at the table, "Yeah, sorry I took so long," I said as she pulled me into a tight hug, "Aria, I'm still sore," I said, grunting, "Oh! Sorry, I forgot." She laughed, "Take a seat; Boss should be here soon!"

I nodded,d taking a seat next to Roxie, "You clean up, nice princess," Roxie said jokingly, winking at me, "Oh shut up, Rox." Aria rolled her eyes, and I laughed, seeing how immature the two were.

"Great, You all made it, and ahead of time." We all turned our heads to see my father at the entrance again, accompanied by two other men, "We didn't mind waiting," Jamie said, motioning to the other girls to stand, "Please stay seated. Let us begin," He said, clapping as Two maids entered with plated food dishes, "I was starving," Roxie said, adjusting herself in the chair. My father sat at the end of the table in a grand leather chair, "Elizabeth, as you may know, you have been accidentally entwined with one of our Ex-elite affiliates. If you agree to help us, I may be useful to you," He spoke. I took a sip of the wine placed by my food before answering. "How can you possibly help me?" genuinely wondering.

"I know Bill Kaulitz; I know everything about him; if I wanted, I could take him down in a heartbeat?" He said coldly, cutting his steak, "Then why haven't you?" I questioned, "Because, as I stated, I know him; he isn't afraid of anything or anyone, and in the long run, he would be useful to me." He smiled sweetly at me, sending chills down my spine. "You see, Lizzy, I want to train you... just as I trained him," I wasn't sure what to do, but I knew if I would be willing to do this, I need something in return. "I want to make a deal..." I said bluntly. He smiled slightly, causing the other girls to look at me. I gulped, feeling somewhat anxious, "I want you to protect someone," I stuttered. He smiled upon hearing what I asked.

"You could've asked for money or fame, and yet you chose someone over yourself?" he said, amused, "Yes. Surprised I'm not like my mother?" I scoffed, making him chuckle slightly, "You do have her sarcasm..." He said, reminiscing, "Fine, I promise I will protect whoever you need me to, as long as you agree to stand by my side." He said, lifting a brow.

"I'll do it..."


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