.My Living Nightmare.

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(Sensitive content in this chapter)

I curled on the bathroom floor as blood coated the white tiles beneath me. My body shaking as I let my tears run down my makeup-less face, I had lost my child within seconds as if their life meant nothing, A soul lost within my own.

My cries became muffled, I crawled into the shower and turned on the faucet. I hadn't bothered to remove my clothes instead I let the freezing water wash everything attached to my skin. The child didn't deserve to live or die, and it was my fault. Though I should be happy I no longer carried the burden of holding Bill's child I couldn't bring myself to smile, I had begun to feel remorse for the child but now that was gone. Nothing mattered.

After I noticed the blood that once coated my legs had washed away I turned the faucet off and stood to my feet. My legs shook heavily in the process, and the pain in my abdomen had Gone but the pain in my heart stayed. As I looked in the mirror I saw a shell of myself, my clothes and hair were soaked and my lips were blue. My ocean-colored eyes are covered in a sea of red. "I need to live, if not for me then for Gustav..." I whispered to myself knowing full well that was a promise I might not be able to keep. I cleaned myself up and headed back to bed, everything happened so fast that my emotions were sporadic, I cuddled up on my hospital bed. And seeped into the darkness of the room all while humming a soft tune to myself.

As morning came around I hadn't gotten much sleep the events of last night replayed like a nightmare, I just kept telling myself I would get out of this, alive. I sat up and rubbed my eyes adjusting to the lighting of the room, "Morning sleepy head, Any pain last night?" Katie asked as she handed me a plate full of hospital breakfast, "I slept fine." I flashed a forced smile, "Are you sure you seem kinda off?" she asked searching my face for an answer.

"Katie I said I'm fine." I brushed her off and proceeded to eat my food. Suddenly my head shot up from my plate as I heard multiple gunshots and screams from the hallway, "Oh my god." Katie said her eyes flickered from the door to me, "What's going on?" I asked my heart beginning to race as Katie moved closer to the door to get a look, just as she approached the door it slammed open knocking her out of the way, I screamed moving to the edge of the bed, seeing Katie scared as blood ran from her nose. I looked to the door seeing Bill and the others walk-in, "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I shouted enraged, I noticed how Tom and Georg held Gustav back as he struggled to get out of their grasp, "Don't hurt her!" He shouted I glanced at the boys confused at what was happening before Bill grabbed my arm yanking me to the floor alongside Katie.

"You lied to me..." Bill spoke his voice cracked slightly, his expression showed nothing but disappointment, "What, are you talking about."I looked at Katie, tears falling down her face as she mouthed 'I'm sorry.'

"Don't play stupid Liz, when were you gonna tell me about our child!" He shouted grabbing me by the hem of my hospital gown, "Our child? Who told you, how did you know?" my heart shattered at the mention of the baby I had just lost, "Your so-called best friend has been my molerat for quite some time now." He said motioning to Katie who didn't dare look either of us in the eyes. "How could you..." I whispered loud enough for her to hear, "Elle you're pregnant?" Gustav said defeatedly looking deeply into my eyes, I looked away only to be harshly struck across the face, "Shit Bill, get away from her!" Gustav yelled once again, I felt blood drip down my cheek as he left cuts due to his rings, he let go of my collar before walking toward Gustav, "She's mine, can't you see that!" Bill yelled punching Gustav in his gut causing him to hunch over.

"Please don't hurt him, It's my fault, hurt me instead just, please..." I screamed my heart breaking seeing Gustav's face, Bill smirked and began to walk toward me, he kneeled and planted a kiss on my bloody cheek.

"You're sick..." I whispered to him as he grasped my throat causing me to wince upon feeling my cut reopen, "I'm your living nightmare." He spoke licking my blood from his lips. "Take a nice long look, Gustav, I want you to see she's mine." He faced my body toward the others as he stood behind me. "Don't touch her!" Gustav shouted attempting to run at Bill before being knocked down by Tom.

"Move again, and a child won't be the only thing in her," He said shoving the tip of his gun into my side, "Listen to him Please!" I yelled desperation laced my groggy voice, I felt Bill's warm breath down my neck as he whispered in my ear, "Tell him you want to be alone with me, Tell him how badly you want me to fuck you." His words disgusted me, his touch made me want to skin myself, I began to remember those Blood colored bedsheets making me break into soft tears. "Tell him, Oh say goodbye to yourself and the child" His voice was deep and menacing as he nudged the pistol deeper making me cry out, "I want to be alone with Bill..." I blurted forcefully watching Gustav's heartbreak, "But, Elle!" He yelled struggling under Tom and Georg.

"I want him to fuck me..." I said my voice low as I gritted my teeth, I couldn't face Gustav. I couldn't bear his pain alongside my own. "Elizabeth, Please..." His voice weakened as he stopped squirming, "Get him out of here, "Bill let me go and motioned to the boys to drag him out before he placed the gun at Katie's head. "NO, Bill this was not the deal!" I shouted attempting as Katie cried vigorously pleading with her owner. "You know what I hate the most," He spoke clocking the gun, "Dishonest, and untrustworthy snakes like you," He smiled grabbing Katie by her shirt and lifting her to face him, "At least the sex was good right?" He laughed before firing the gun into the redhead's thigh making her release a blood-curdling scream, "Let her go Please"I screamed closing my eyes tightly not wanting to see the scene unfold, "You need me! I can get you in!" Katie screamed Holding her thigh tightly as blood pooled below her, "What the fuck are you talking about!"Bill yelled grabbing her hair and tugging it making her groan in pain, "The Eclipse, I have valuable info, in return you can't kill me!"

"Katie you can't be serious!"I said as she glanced at me and then back at Bill's gaze. "You want to make a deal with the devil" Bill replied almost laughing at how Katie attempted dominance. "Yes, you can't get rid of me, not yet" I didn't know if my mind was playing tricks on me but I swear I saw her smirk, "Okay, Hotshot, If you screw me over I'll rip you apart Limb from fucking Limb, and you know I will." His voice became deep and serious as he pushed her out of his grasp, causing her to stumble backward.

"Get the fuck out before I change my mind" He pointed to the door, gun firm in his hand, Katie took one last glance at me before limping away, my heart dropped as the door shut behind her leaving me alone with Satan in the flesh.

"I've missed your touch, Lizzy."


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