Chapter 36: Squad

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"Please don't fall in love with me," Ryujin whispered, her voice barely above a breath, and then blew a gentle stream of air into Yeji's ears.

"Argh!" Yeji squealed and playfully pushed Ryujin away.

Ryujin chuckled, teasingly saying, "This lovely lady right here has a crush on me?"

Embarrassed, Yeji covered her face, blushing.

"Come here," Ryujin beckoned, a mischievous grin on her face. "Don't hide."

Yeji, still peeking through her fingers, cautiously approached Ryujin. "I'm not admitting anything," she mumbled, her shyness palpable.

Ryujin simply shrugged, smiling, and replied, "Whatever." They remained locked in their warm embrace, Yeji's hands gently placed on Ryujin's nape, while Ryujin's hands securely encircled Yeji's waist.

As they swayed together, Yeji playfully put her foot on top of Ryujin's foot, shifting her weight entirely onto her.

"We can stay like this," Ryujin suggested.

"I'd love that," Yeji agreed, a contented smile on her face. Their moment was serene and filled with genuine affection.

The serene moment they had shared was abruptly interrupted by Yeji's ringing phone. She couldn't hide her disappointment, remarking, "Way to ruin the moment."

Ryujin laughed good-naturedly, fully understanding the necessity of the interruption. Yeji glanced at her phone's screen and realized, "Lia's calling."

"I know it's late, but I really need someone right now," Lia expressed urgently.

Yeji began, "I'm actually with Ryujin right now."

"This late?" Lia questioned and quickly amended her words, "And I'm calling too, sorry."

Yeji took a moment of silence before offering, "If you want to, I'm coming over."

Lia vehemently refused, saying, "No! I will come over to your house, Yeji."

"All right, I'm going home," Yeji confirmed.

"Thank you, Yeji. Can I also talk to Ryujin?" Lia requested.

Yeji handed the phone to Ryujin, and as they conversed, Ryujin's face contorted with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

However, she respected the privacy that Lia had requested, allowing them to have their conversation without intruding.

The ride to Yeji's house was silent; both girls were preoccupied with their concern for their friend. When they arrived at Yeji's house, Yeji stepped out of the car.

To her surprise, Ryujin chose to remain inside.

"You're not coming?" Yeji inquired.

Ryujin shook her head. "Nah, I need to do something... for Lia," she explained.

Yeji simply nodded, understanding that this was a moment where Lia needed her support.

As she entered her house, she found Lia already in the living room, her face tear-stained and marked by distress. Yeji wasted no time in offering her comfort. "I'm here to listen," she reassured her friend.

In the bustling corridors of the university, Lia walked at the forefront of her formidable squad, commanding the attention of all those they passed.

Each member of the group exhibited a unique sense of style, a vivid manifestation of their personalities and fashion-forward choices.

Exuding an aura of youthful elegance, Heejin was attired in a women's sweater vest. The pastel color of the vest complemented her complexion with gentle finesse, accentuating her chic and sophisticated look. The soft fabric draped gracefully over her, creating an effortlessly fashionable ensemble.

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