Chapter 22: Beautiful Changes

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The sun painted warm hues across the university campus as Yeji and Chaeryeong strolled side by side. Their footsteps echoed softly on the path as they chatted about the day's classes and upcoming assignments.

It was just an ordinary day, or so they thought until their conversation came to an abrupt halt.

Their gazes locked on a familiar figure approaching them. Ryujin, who had always concealed her face behind a mask or cap, was now walking with a newfound confidence that drew the attention of passersby. It was as if she had shed an invisible shield that had once hidden her features.

Chaeryeong's shock was nearly palpable; her eyes widened in disbelief as she beheld Ryujin's unmasked face.

She exchanged a quick, bewildered glance with Yeji, who surprisingly remained unfazed by the transformation.

Approaching Ryujin, Yeji's face radiated a warm and welcoming smile. "Hey, Ryujin! How's it going?" she greeted her with genuine warmth.

Ryujin's response was nothing short of a revelation, a stark departure from her usual reserved demeanor. "Doing great, actually. How about you?" She matched Yeji's smile with equal brightness.

It was a moment of profound change, akin to witnessing a flower bloom, leaving both Yeji and Chaeryeong in awe. "This is so strange," Chaeryeong remarked.

Ryujin replied, "Well, good luck with that'strange' thing, and have a beautiful day," as she walked past them.

Despite the bustling campus around them, their small group of friends felt like their own world in that instant. The transformation in Ryujin's demeanor seemed more than a surface change; it felt like the unlocking of a hidden facet of her personality.

It was as though she had shed a protective layer that had long shielded her from the world, revealing a more vibrant and open self.

As they made their way to their first class, Chaeryeong couldn't help but express her thoughts. "This is weird; it's like seeing the real Ryujin."

Yeji tilted her head, curious. "Why, have I been seeing a fake one?"

Chaeryeong chuckled softly, shaking her head. "No, that's not what I mean. I mean, I told you before, she's changed, and now she's back as the warm and smiley type of person."

Yeji pondered Chaeryeong's words for a moment, a contemplative expression crossing her face. "Something definitely changed," she agreed, her smile growing wider.

The air was filled with a sense of curiosity, and it was clear that Ryujin's transformation was a topic that would occupy their conversations for days to come.

The friends continued their walk through the vibrant campus, with the chatter of students and the rustling of leaves overhead creating a comforting backdrop. It was a new chapter in their lives, one marked not only by their shared academic pursuits but also by the evolution of their bonds with each other.

The cafeteria, with its high vaulted ceiling and large windows that allowed the pale winter sunlight to filter in, was a hub of activity. The clatter of trays being loaded with food, the whoosh of the espresso machine steaming milk, and the distant chatter of other students blended into an eclectic symphony of college life.

The Velvet Five gathered at their usual spot, a corner table that had become synonymous with their camaraderie. As they settled into their seats, the air was filled with an unspoken curiosity, reflected in the exchanged glances between Lia, Winter, Heejin, and Yuna.

The topic on everyone's mind was evident—Ryujin's sudden change in appearance and demeanor.

Winter, leaned forward. Her curiosity was palpable, as if she were on the verge of uncovering a long-buried secret. Winter's lean frame, adorned with an assortment of silver rings, tapped rhythmically on the table, betraying her impatient need for answers.

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