Chapter 7: Slap

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Winter watched as Yeji bolted from the chaotic scene, disappearing from her view. The students who had gathered around now seemed to scatter, prompted by the school bell that rang, signaling the resumption of classes.

A sense of unease hung in the air, and Winter couldn't help but feel the weight of their collective gazes on her.

Determined not to let the situation escalate further, Winter raised her voice, urging the lingering students to disperse.

It was a commanding tone, and they complied, dispersing with haste. Fearful looks were cast in her direction as they hurried away, a testament to the reputation she had earned.

With a heavy sigh, Winter called the school janitors.

She swiftly instructed them to clean up the mess that had been made, emphasizing the need to erase any traces of the vandalized walls and to burn the pictures that had been hung. It was a cleanup job that needed to be done discreetly.

Once she had made the necessary arrangements, Winter made her way to her classroom.

Despite the turmoil of the morning, she was determined not to miss her classes. Her studies had always been a priority, a way to escape the complexities of her life

The hours in the classroom dragged on, each minute feeling longer than the last. Winter couldn't find solace in her studies today; her mind was preoccupied with the events of the morning.

Lunchtime finally arrived, and she gathered her friends, seeking their support and understanding.

As she settled down with her friends, ready to discuss the morning's events, Yuna's voice cut through the air, taking everyone by surprise. 

"Unnies, did you know what happened this morning?" Yuna inquired, her words dripping with curiosity. Winter could see the confusion in the faces of Heejin and Ryujin, and she realized that they were unaware of the morning's drama.

Before Yuna could continue, however, Lia abruptly appeared, charging towards Winter with an intensity that caught everyone off guard.

In an instant, her hand connected with Winter's cheek, delivering a stinging slap that left Winter momentarily speechless.

Heejin reacted swiftly, moving to restrain Lia and pull her away from Winter.

Lia's anger seemed to lend her unusual strength, and she struggled against Heejin's grasp. It was an unexpected eruption of emotions, a confrontation Winter had not anticipated.

Heejin's voice quivered with confusion as she attempted to make sense of the sudden confrontation. "What is happening?" she questioned, her eyes darting between Winter and Lia, who stood locked in a heated exchange.

Lia's anger was palpable; her words were laced with frustration and resentment. "Ask Winter," she retorted, her tone seething with anger. 

Winter tried to interject, her voice calm and composed, a stark contrast to the turmoil around her. "Unnie, I didn't do any-"

But Lia wouldn't hear it. She cut Winter off abruptly, her words sharp and accusatory. "Bullshit, Winter, you're the only one who could do that."

Desperation tinged Winter's voice as she attempted to plead her case. "This is a misunderstanding, Unnie; please listen to me," she implored, her eyes searching for understanding.

She knew that her friends were her lifeline, and the idea of losing their trust was unbearable.

Lia's anger showed no sign of abating, and her words were a cutting indictment. "Winter, I never thought you'd be like this. You're a piece of shit," she yelled, the accusation hanging heavily in the air.

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