Chapter 17: My Universe

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The next day, Yeji moved through the school hallways in an eerie silence. Part of the reason for her quiet demeanor was her lingering thoughts about Lia, but the greater part stemmed from the absence of Winter's pranks.

It was as though the mischievous spirit had suddenly vanished, leaving behind an unusual hush that weighed heavily on Yeji's shoulders.

With a heavy heart, Yeji allowed her feet to carry her to a place she knew would provide solace. Despite the fact that her class schedule wasn't due to start until the afternoon, she had awoken early and come to school, guided by the need for a familiar source of comfort.

However, instead of heading to the rooftop, which had often served as her refuge in times of distress, Yeji found herself gravitating toward another place where she had found strength through tears.

As she approached the door, her emotions were a turbulent mix of uncertainty and hope. She knocked softly, unsure if anyone was inside or if the person inside would open the door for her, but she clung to the possibility.

The door creaked open slowly, revealing Ryujin's face, her expression tinged with surprise at the unexpected appearance of Yeji.

Yeji didn't waste a moment. She rushed forward, wrapping Ryujin in an embrace that conveyed a deep longing for comfort and understanding.

In that moment, neither of them spoke. There were no tears, but the quiet exchange held profound significance. It was as if Yeji's embrace was a plea for solace, and to her immense relief, Ryujin responded by enveloping her in a warm and reassuring hug. 

Ryujin buried her face into Yeji's shoulder, a gesture that conveyed her understanding and support without the need for words.

In the stillness of that embrace, a complex web of emotions intertwined, offering both solace and a hint of the tangled threads of the unspoken that bound them together.

As they stepped inside the music room, Yeji was torn between the desire to maintain their comforting embrace and the knowledge that they needed to address whatever had led her there.

Reluctantly, she released Ryujin and followed her into the room, the warmth of their hug still lingering in the air.

Yeji had anticipated a barrage of questions from Ryujin—a probing 'why?’ that would demand an explanation for her unexpected visit.

However, to her surprise, Ryujin remained silent, her focus returning to the notebook in front of her. Swiftly, she began to jot down thoughts and lyrics, her fingers dancing across the pages with an almost poetic grace.

Then, with a contemplative expression, she plucked at the strings of her guitar, producing a soft, melancholic melody that filled the room.

Yeji watched in quiet admiration, realizing that Ryujin was pouring her emotions into a song, channeling her feelings into music instead of demanding answers.

Intrigued by this unexpected approach, Yeji finally broke the silence.

"You're writing a song?" she inquired, her voice soft and full of curiosity.

Ryujin nodded, not pausing in her creative process, and then turned to face Yeji. "Do you play any instruments?" she asked in return.

Yeji nodded, her eyes lighting up with a faint smile. "I've learned to play the piano, though I wouldn't say I'm particularly skilled at it."

Ryujin met her admission with a warm grin. "Play for me," she said, her request carrying a gentle insistence.

Yeji hesitated for a moment, her fingers hovering above the grand piano's ivory keys.
She took a deep breath, grounding herself in the moment, and then began to play the opening chords of "My Universe" by BTS and Coldplay.

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