Chapter 2: Cringe-Worthy Introductions

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I stood there, utterly bewildered. The sight of Lia and the girl from this morning, whom I now knew as Winter, together left me in a state of disbelief. Could they truly be friends? It was a concept that was difficult for me to wrap my mind around.

As I contemplated this strange encounter, I observed the other students dispersing, seemingly oblivious to my presence. Just when I thought I was alone in this moment, a voice caught me by surprise from behind.

"It's been ages since we last saw you, and what are the chances we'd run into you again only because you're involved in a confrontation with one of the most popular students at this university?"

I turned to see who was speaking, and to my astonishment, it was my old friends. "Chaeryeongie, Hyunjin, Soobin! It's been so long!" I exclaimed, a surge of genuine happiness washing over me. It was heartwarming to see that they remained a close-knit group.

Soobin playfully remarked, "You certainly know how to make an entrance, Yeji."

I offered an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry."

Hyunjin shook her head, her expression filled with understanding. "No, we should apologize. We didn't help you back there. We're truly sorry, Yeji. The thing is, they hold a considerable amount of influence here, and we couldn't risk jeopardizing our opportunity to study at this university."

I nodded in understanding. "It's alright; I get it. But Lia..."

"We'll talk about it later. For now, let's head to our classes before we're late. By the way, welcome back, Yeji." Chaeryeong warmly welcomed me, and the timing couldn't have been better—the bell chimed in agreement.

Chaeryeong and I happened to share the same schedule, so I joined her on our way to the first class.

Later, in the cafeteria, we were awaiting Hyunjin, who insisted on buying lunch for us. Before long, my newfound nemesis and guardian angel made their entrance, accompanied by their other friends, including the girl from this morning.

Soobin urgently whispered, "Yeji, hide. We can't afford another fight right now, and I'm starving."

I lowered my head, using my hair as a makeshift shield, as Hyunjin's arrival effectively concealed me from view.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I inquired, "What's Lia doing with them?"

"They're friends," Hyunjin replied simply.

I raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "You're kidding me. How is that even possible?"

"We're not entirely sure. One day, they just became a group, and not just any group, but the most famous girl group here. Their friendship is genuine and stronger than time."

"A girl group? In a university? That sounds a bit... corny," I prodded, still surprised by the concept.

“Well, believe it or not, they exist in this very institution," Hyunjin said.

Chaeryeong chimed in, introducing each of the members with flair. "And the girl you had a confrontation with earlier is known for her cute charms and is aptly nicknamed 'The Bad Girl' due to her past reputation for occasional mischief and teasing. Oh, and just so you know, she's currently single."

I couldn't help but express my skepticism about Winter's cuteness. "Cute, you say? Where? And as for her love life, I'm not particularly interested."

Chaeryeong grinned slyly. "Don't deny it. She's genuinely cute."

Hyunjin continued with the introductions, transitioning smoothly. "Next is Lia, our longtime childhood friend. She's a genius, yet she remains incredibly humble and friendly. However, the Lia we used to skip classes with and share secrets has transformed into an elegant young woman, exuding a newfound sense of maturity and adopting a more formal demeanor."

Unable to resist my curiosity, I couldn't help but ask, "Any insights into her romantic life?"

Hyunjin gently reminded me of our previous conversation. "You were quite adamant about not discussing their love lives, remember?"

I clarified with a chuckle, "That was mainly about Winter, dear."

As the conversation about Lia's love life continued, I found myself drawn into the intriguing world of the university's social dynamics.

Hyunjin nodded knowingly. "Alright, Lia's love life... She's been in touch with you-know-who for a while."

"Who?" I asked, leaning in with genuine curiosity.

Soobin chimed in, pointing discreetly to the girl sitting next to Winter, who was engrossed in her meal and seemingly unaffected by the commotion. "The girl next to Winter. Her name is Heejin, 'The Playgirl.'"

"Wait, why are you giving me these elaborate introductions?" I questioned, cringing at the unfolding melodrama.

"It's a custom here at school. Every time there's a new face, they should know them," Hyunjin explained.

"Well, that just made everything even more cringe," I quipped.

"Let me continue," Chaeryeong said, undeterred. "Heejin is known for her beauty, athleticism, and talent for drawing." 

Heejin's description piqued my interest even more, and I listened intently. But I couldn't help but notice Hyunjin's intense focus on Heejin, which made me wonder if there was more to the story.

Hyunjin continued, "Fourth is Yuna, the tall girl who could pass as a Hollywood actress or model. People here refer to her as 'The Evil Prankster.'"

Just as Chaeryeong finished her sentence, there was a sudden pop, and I turned to see Winter covered in flour, her expression adorably indignant. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight, though I knew it was best not to take it too seriously. Winter being cute? Well, perhaps I was exaggerating just a bit.

Chaeryeong let out a sigh, acknowledging the playful atmosphere. "Yeah, she's indeed an evil prankster. She's notorious for her pranks, and she doesn't spare her friends either. Well, except for one person. There's someone she respects the most."

"Who?" I inquired, my curiosity growing with each revelation.

Soobin pointed out the girl sitting next to Winter, who remained focused on her meal, seemingly unperturbed by the chaos around her. "Her name is Ryujin."

Ryujin, I thought, committing the name to memory as the intricate web of relationships within this group of students continued to unravel before my eyes.

Chaeryeong explained. "There's quite a story behind her. She went through a rough breakup, and it changed her entirely. She doesn't care about anyone or anything anymore, unlike in the past when she was the one who kept all of them in check."

My curiosity was piqued, and I couldn't help but inquire, "What happened to make her change so drastically?"

"It's a sensitive topic," Hyunjin interjected. "Only Lia has shared some details with us. Please promise not to share this with anyone else."

I assured her, "You have my word; I won't say a thing."

Chaeryeong continued, "Ryujin used to be a completely different person. Outgoing, bubbly, and friendly. She was like the glue that held this group together."

"But now, she's the complete opposite. She doesn't seem to care about anything or anyone, not even the actions of her friends. She's become rather apathetic," Soobin added.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Then why did she return my wallet this morning?"

"What!" They all exclaimed in shock, inadvertently drawing the attention of everyone around us, including Velvel Five. However, Ryujin remained unfazed, entirely engrossed in her meal.

Winter seemed ready to approach us, a smirk forming on her lips. However, in a surprising twist, Ryujin suddenly stood up and left. Rather than heading in our direction, Velvel Five followed her, leaving us with more questions than answers.

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