Chapter 30: Beyond Measure

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Yejis POV

The echo of our footsteps resonated through the dimly lit university hallway as Ryujin and I made our way toward the exit. The faint hum of fluorescent lights overhead provided the only source of illumination, casting long shadows along the cold, tiled floor.

As we walked side by side, Ryujin's voice broke the silence; her words were a welcome distraction from the monotony of the deserted corridor. "Heading home?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"Yeah," I replied, the word slipping out of my lips with a sigh of relief.

Ryujin's eyes sparkled with warmth as she smiled and added, "Winter can take you home."

Perplexed, I furrowed my brow. "Huh?" I asked, trying to decipher her cryptic message.

She chuckled softly, her laughter a soothing melody in the quiet hallway. "I mean, you don't need to call your driver. I told her to wait for you."

Her considerate gesture took me by surprise, and for a moment, I was tempted to ask why it couldn't just be her driving me home. However, I held my tongue, not wanting to complicate the situation further.

"You've been quite occupied lately," I remarked, breaking the brief silence.

"Yeah, it's been a whirlwind of work," she replied with a hint of weariness in her voice.

I glanced at her, curiosity dancing in my eyes. "Have you always dreamed of becoming a businesswoman?" I asked, studying her as we continued our stroll down the hallway.

A contemplative look graced her features as she replied, "I'd say it's more like I woke up to the idea. I was never particularly drawn to it, but over time, it grew on me, I suppose."

My intrigue deepened as I probed further. "If not business, what would be your dream path?" I inquired.

Ryujin's laughter, like a gentle breeze, filled the space between us. "Nothing, really," she admitted with a playful chuckle. "I just want to be rich."

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "I think that's a desire many of us share," I mused.

She glanced at me, her gaze sincere and contemplative. "Honestly, regardless of the path I choose, I want it to be one that leads to happiness," she confessed.

Encouragement welled up within me as I met her gaze. "I look forward to seeing you achieve that, Ryujin. To be not just successful but genuinely happy."

A determined gleam shone in her eyes as she responded, "Let's be successful."

Changing the topic, I felt compelled to delve deeper into her well-being, and I inquired, "How are you?" My question brought us to a standstill in the hallway, and I turned to face her, my concern evident.

Ryujin's smile faltered briefly, revealing a hint of the turmoil she was concealing. "I'm tired," she admitted, her voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability.

My concern deepened, and I couldn't resist acting on my instinct. Without thinking, I pulled her into a warm, comforting hug.

It was an embrace that I wished would last forever.

I rested my head on her shoulder, feeling her hands hesitate for a brief moment before they gently wrapped around me, holding me close. The world around us seemed to fade away as we stood there, the cold of the hallway forgotten in the warmth of our embrace.

"Winter's probably waiting," Ryujin said, her voice soft and somewhat distant, as if torn between staying and leaving.

Reluctantly, I released her from the hug, though I wished I didn't have to. "Bye," I said, a trace of sadness in my voice.

"Take care," she replied, her voice carrying a complex blend of emotions as she slowly turned away, her footsteps echoing down the deserted university hallway.

I stood there, watching her, until she vanished from my sight, leaving me with an unshakable sense of longing and a slew of unspoken questions that seemed to linger in the air around me.

As I stepped out of the university building, I found myself in the company of my trusted friend, Winter. Her presence was a welcome distraction from the earlier encounter with Ryujin.

"Bad mood?" I asked Winter, a concerned expression on my face.

"I just don't get the hype," she replied, her voice tinged with a touch of indifference.

A warm smile graced my lips. "Not racing tonight?" I asked, trying to divert the conversation to lighter matters.

"Nah, I still need to study," Winter replied, her dedication evident in her determined expression.

I couldn't resist teasing her. "Oh, studious," I playfully remarked.

She chuckled softly, but her response held a hint of seriousness. "Don't want them to say I'm just a pretty face," she replied, causing me to burst into laughter.

"Wow, like it isn't true," she said as I fell into another fit of laughter.

"Why am I not pretty?" Winter asked with a touch of mock indignation.

Instead of replying, I doubled over, clutching my stomach, unable to contain my laughter. Winter's dry humor was a rare delight that I cherished.

"Don't tell me I'm your happiness now," she quipped, her tone light but curious.

I composed myself and exhaled. "But Winter, thank you for making me laugh," I sincerely expressed my gratitude.

"Am I supposed to be happy with that?" she retorted, feigning annoyance. "Hey, tell me I'm beautiful. Yuna used such poetic words to describe Karina, and you can't even say I'm beautiful," she said and rolled her eyes.

Then, as we arrived at my house, just before I closed the door behind me, I turned to her and spoke from the heart, "You're a dazzling gem, a treasure beyond measure, Winter."

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