Chapter 4: Old Bonds and New Beginnings

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Lia, Yeji, Chaeryeong, Hyunjin, and Soobin found themselves cozily nestled in a dimly lit cinema, the gentle hum of excitement pervading the air. The screen flickered to life, and a wave of nostalgia washed over Lia as the film began. Memories of their youth surged to the forefront of her mind, momentarily rendering the movie on the screen an afterthought.

Lia couldn't help but yearn for the days when they were inseparable and when such outings were commonplace. She wished for their shared laughter and the warmth of their friendship—the sense of togetherness that seemed to have faded since Yeji's departure.

Yet, amid these wistful sentiments, there was an undeniable current of contentment that Yeji was back in their lives. She was a missing piece of their collective puzzle, even if the picture was no longer the same.

Halfway into the movie, Yeji leaned toward Lia, her voice a soft whisper in the dimly lit theater. "Hey, are you even watching the movie?"

Lia was startled by her reverie and turned her gaze toward Yeji, their faces mere inches apart. "Yeah, I'm just a bit distracted," Lia admitted, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

Yeji's lips curled into a warm smile as she understood the underlying sentiment. She grasped Lia's hand gently, their fingers intertwining, a gesture that felt both reassuring and charged with memories.

Lia couldn't help but be grateful for Yeji's return, and it was as if the missing piece of their friendship had finally fallen into place.

As the credits rolled and the cinema lights came up, they reluctantly left the cozy confines of the movie theater, rejoining the bustling world outside. The night sky was adorned with twinkling stars, and they began their leisurely stroll toward their favorite destination—the night market.

The night market was a sensory delight, a vibrant tapestry of colors, aromas, and sounds. Every visit was an adventure, a chance to immerse themselves in an enchanting world of street food and shared moments.

Hyunjin's eyes sparkled with delight long before they even reached the market. "Oh my God, is that Tteokbokki?" she exclaimed, barely containing her excitement.

Her enthusiasm was infectious, and the group picked up the pace as they raced toward the tantalizing aroma of the Tteokbokki stall. Laughter filled the air as they shared in Hyunjin's excitement, the camaraderie between them growing stronger with every step.

Once they arrived, they indulged in a feast of street foods. Hotteok sizzled on griddles, Gimbap rolled up neatly, and Gyeran-ppang exuded a tantalizing aroma. Tteokbokki, crispy mandu, and other delectable treats were devoured with gusto. The once bustling street corner had transformed into their very own hearty dinner table.

As they savored their meal, Hyunjin, Soobin, and Chaeryeong momentarily excused themselves, lured away by the call of an ice cream vendor.

Meanwhile, Yeji requested that Lia stay behind for a moment. She wanted to express her gratitude for Lia's conversation with Winter, a talk that seemed to have momentarily halted Winter's attempts to ruin Yeji's day.

"Lia, thank you," Yeji said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Puzzled, Lia inquired, "For what?" Her furrowed brow reflected her genuine curiosity.

Yeji explained, "You talking to Winter. You don't know how much it helped. I didn't have a stressful afternoon." Her voice carried a lighthearted chuckle.

Lia's puzzlement deepened. "Oh, I still didn't talk to her, though," she confessed, her voice tinged with confusion.

Yeji responded with humor, "Really? So she just didn't have time to stress me out a while ago. That means she might still continue tomorrow."

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