Chapter 3: From Pranks to Plans

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Today unfolded like a meticulously orchestrated symphony of routine. It was a time for the customary gatherings with friends, an opportunity to absorb the lessons of the day, and, unfortunately, another day weighed down by the relentless burden of stress.

Amidst this choreography of existence, I was abruptly pulled from my contemplation. A mischievous balloon, brimming with trouble, erupted in a sudden cloud of flour, obscuring my vision.

My irritation surged forth, and I found myself uttering, "What on earth! Whoever orchestrated this will face consequences!"

My voice echoed in the direction of the elusive prankster. "Show yourself! Don't cower in the shadows like a coward!"

A voice, as elusive as a whisper in the breeze, drifted through the air. "Who said I'm a coward?"

The ephemeral figure gradually solidified before me, wearing an impish grin. I couldn't let her insolence pass without a retort. "If you're not a coward, then why did you hide?" I demanded.

She tossed her head, her eyes locking on mine with unwavering intensity. "Because I feared your monstrous face; it's utterly grotesque," she taunted.

With no patience for trifles, I responded curtly, "Winter, I didn't come here for this. I'm here to study, not to indulge in your childish games."

Yet she persisted, closing the distance between us, invading my personal space, and murmuring in a tone that sent shivers down my spine, "Too bad for you, Yeji, because I have no intention of stopping. You'll need to make time for me every day."

My annoyance reached its limit, and I pushed her away, snapping, "Enough. I'll report this, and let's see if you won't be forced to cease."

With an air of amusement, Winter shot back, "You find this amusing, Yeji. If I may call you that, I regret to inform you that no one can stop me, not even the university's owner."

Not one to be silenced, I unleashed my verbal arsenal, targeting what I believed to be her vulnerability. "Oh, is that so? Is this your way of rebelling because your parents couldn't rein you in either? Or do they simply not care about you? Are you so unloved and disrespected by your family that you resort to tormenting others? Let me be the bearer of truth—these juvenile pranks won't win their affection."

Winter's anger flared in an instant, her face contorting with frustration and her fists clenching tightly as my audacious words found their mark. But before her fury could manifest further, Lia rushed to our side.

Lia's arrival acted as a soothing balm for the situation. Winter, visibly annoyed, rolled her eyes and bumped into me before walking away in exasperation.

As Lia appeared, I let out a breath and embraced her without reservation. "Are you okay?" she inquired, her concern genuine.

I held onto Lia, murmuring, "Lia," my voice thick with relief.

"Hey, are you okay? I've missed you," Lia said sincerely, her emotions evident.

"I'm fine, but you missed me? Then why didn't you talk to me all week?" I protested, my expression carrying a playful pout.

Lia chuckled softly, her eyes crinkling with affection. "Of course, it feels like it's been ages since we've seen each other. So much has happened, so many changes, yet here you are, the same girl I've always cherished."

I playfully teased her, "Aren't we getting rather sentimental here?"

Lia's smile remained radiant, capable of softening even the toughest hearts. "I apologize for not reaching out all week. I was waiting for the right moment. And as for Winter's pranks, I'll definitely have a chat with her."

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