Chapter 11: Vacation

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3 months later


In the vibrant cafeteria of Velvet Haven University, Yuna walked with a joyful spring in her step, her heart brimming with excitement. 

It was a beautiful day, and she had a plan that would surely make it even more memorable. As she approached the table where Yeji, Chaeryeong, Hyunjin, and Soobin were chatting and enjoying their lunch, she couldn't contain her enthusiasm.

"Hey, guys!" Yuna exclaimed, her smile infectious as she stood before them. Her newfound enthusiasm was met with uncertain glances from the group.

Yuna, known as the popular and mischievous 'evil prankster' of the university, was no stranger to them. "Guess what? It's finally semester break, and you know what that means, right?"

Yeji, always the curious one, raised an eyebrow. "What's on your mind, Yuna?"

Yuna's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "I was thinking we should go on a vacation together! It would be so much fun, and we could use a break from all the university stress."

Chaeryeong's face lit up with interest, remembering Yuna from her notorious reputation. "That sounds amazing, Yuna! Where do you have in mind?"

Hyunjin and Soobin exchanged cautious glances, silently contemplating the idea. Yuna's popularity and reputation had left an impression on the entire university, and they weren't quite sure what to make of this sudden invitation.

But Yuna's attention was subtly focused on Chaeryeong. She couldn't help but steal glances, and her heart skipped a beat every time their eyes met. Yuna had never quite understood the fluttery feeling in her chest when she was around Chaeryeong.

It was as though her heart had a mind of its own.

Yeji, noticing Yuna's occasional distracted look, furrowed her brow. "Yuna, is everything okay?"

Yuna blinked, snapping back to reality. "Huh? Oh, yeah, everything's fine! I was just lost in thought for a moment."

However, Yeji, Chaeryeong, Hyunjin, and Soobin remained uncertain. This was the first time they had a proper conversation with Yuna, and they couldn't help but wonder about her intentions.

Lia, their mutual friend, had always been the bridge between Velvet Five and their group. Something was different about Yuna's behavior, and they intended to find out what it was.

As plans for their vacation began to take shape, Yuna's heart raced not only with the excitement of the trip but also with the challenge of bridging the gap between two groups of friends who had never interacted before. 

As the day of their much-anticipated vacation arrived, excitement filled the air. The group had spent weeks planning and coordinating every detail, from the destination to the activities they'd enjoy during their break. 

They assembled at an agreed-upon meeting spot, each bearing their bags and a sense of adventure; even Ryujin's cousin, Beomgyu, was present.

Yuna, who had initiated this grand adventure, was positively beaming. She couldn't wait to see how everything would unfold and hoped that this trip would help her become closer to everyone in the group, especially Chaeryeong.

"Alright, everyone!" Yuna exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious. "It's finally here! Our vacation begins now!"

Chaeryeong, feeling the same excitement, couldn't help but smile. "I can't wait, Yuna. This is going to be amazing!"

However, as the group began to divide themselves into cars, it became apparent that there weren't enough seats in a single vehicle to accommodate everyone comfortably.

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