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Nestled within the vibrant halls of Velvet Haven University, there exists an illustrious all-female squad known as the "Velvet Five."

This dynamic quintet boasts five members, each a distinctive kaleidoscope of personality traits, all harmoniously woven together by the threads of their enduring friendship. United by a shared sense of belonging, they've become an inseparable family.

Yet, this seemingly unbreakable bond is about to face its most formidable test, courtesy of an enigmatic newcomer.

As fate would have it, the arrival of this intriguing stranger sends ripples through the tight-knit circle.

With her presence, unexplored emotions and unforeseen challenges begin to surface, shaking the very foundations upon which their friendship was built.

It's a narrative that explores the delicate dance between love, friendship, and the notion of belonging to a chosen family.

Will the intoxicating allure of love threaten to shatter the unity they've cherished for so long, or will their unwavering solidarity withstand the trials ahead?

Within this compelling tale, you're invited to step into the shoes of Yeji, the central character, as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and interpersonal exploration.

Through her eyes, we gain insight into the multifaceted personas of the five girls she'll encounter, hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered.

As Yeji navigates the labyrinth of emotions, watch how her presence catalyzes transformations, not just within herself, but within the entire dynamic of everybody.

Join us in exploring the intricate interplay of emotions, as Yeji, against the backdrop of academia, takes her steps towards genuine love, unravelling the complexities of human connections one stride at a time.

In this tale of hearts and bonds, Velvet Haven University becomes a place where the melodies of belonging are both sought and discovered, weaving a captivating story of love, friendship, and the profound sense of being right where you belong.

You Belong With MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ