Chapter 10: Velvet Five

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Velvet Haven University was a place where the unexpected thrived, and Yeji's journey through its twists and turns was far from over. With the early morning sun casting a warm embrace over the campus, she embarked on a solitary walk, her heart echoing with the resonance of the past conversation with Ryujin.

The campus, with its serene gardens and peaceful atmosphere, provided the perfect backdrop for reflection. By a tranquil fountain, Yeji found herself mesmerized by the rhythmic flow of water. She watched the glistening droplets dance in the sunlight, mirroring her own tears and the newfound hope that warmed her heart.

But destiny had other plans for Yeji on this day. In the distance, the rhythmic sounds of a volleyball being spiked and the resounding cheers from a nearby court beckoned her. Curiosity gripped her, pulling her towards this unexpected distraction.

As Yeji approached the court, her eyes widened in surprise. Dominating the volleyball game with a combination of athleticism and grace was Heejin, the enigmatic playgirl of Velvet Haven University. It was a side of Heejin that Yeji had never seen before, a revelation that left her both awestruck and puzzled.

Each powerful spike and every move made by Heejin seemed to redefine her in Yeji's eyes. Her determination, her focus, and her energy were mesmerizing, and they raised a host of questions in Yeji's mind.

As the game on the court continued, Yeji found herself drawn deeper into the spectacle. She couldn't help but marvel at Heejin's multifaceted personality, a complex tapestry that seemed to hide beneath her tough exterior.

She felt admiration, curiosity, and a newfound desire to understand Heejin on a deeper level. Heejin had another layer of herself, and Yeji couldn't help but wonder what other surprises lay beneath the surface.

With each powerful spike and each determined rally, Heejin's presence on the volleyball court began to symbolize the twists and turns of life itself. Yeji realized that, much like the game unfolding before her eyes, life had a way of surprising you when you least expected it.

Heejin, sensing Yeji's presence, sauntered over, a sly grin playing on her lips. "Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence today. Impressed, aren't you?"

Yeji's own smile was a mixture of admiration and intrigue. "You could say I'm pleasantly surprised. I had no idea you were such a force on the court."

Heejin's eyes twinkled with mischief as she stepped closer, her voice a sultry purr. "Oh, Yeji, darling, I can be quite a force in many places, not just the court."

Raising an eyebrow, Yeji maintained her playful demeanor. "Is that so? You seem like the type who excels in everything you do."

Heejin leaned in closer, her breath brushing against Yeji's ear, igniting a tantalizing shiver. "Well, I do like to excel at getting to know interesting people."

A delightful flush crept onto Yeji. "Interesting people, huh? What's your secret, Heejin?"

Heejin's lips hovered temptingly close to Yeji's ear, her tone dripping with seduction. "Ah, Yeji, secrets are meant to be discovered. Maybe you'll find out one day."

Yeji's voice was laced with curiosity as she responded, "Well, you've certainly piqued my curiosity."

With a final sly grin and a wink, Heejin took a step back, her confident swagger leaving an electrifying trail of attraction and intrigue in her wake. "That's what I aim for, babe. Catch you later, alright?"

Yeji, still mesmerized by the encounter, replied with a smile, "I'll be looking forward to it, Heejin."

Meanwhile, on the other side of Velvet Haven University, beyond the lush greenery and elegant architecture, a completely different scene unfolded.

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