43. Holding Me To Comfort Me

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The red deer stood awkwardly in front of his father, not exactly aware of what to do with himself. He looked so uncomfortable and it showed with the stance he had. "You should relax Louis," Oguma advised - giving his son a look of pity.

"I am relaxed!" 

"It doesn't look like it," Oguma chuckled, amused by his son's nervousness, "it's just a date after all." Louis glared back at his father, his face flushed red. He wanted to argue with his father that it wasn't just a date. It was the end of the world and he wasn't prepared for it in any way. 

The thought of the date in itself - with Legoshi, made Louis feel weird - in both a good and a bad way. In a good sense, it made him feel all excited but in a bad sense, the wolf's behavior before he left the school made the situation tense and Louis didn't know if he'd be able to face him just yet. What was on the other's mind made him worry senselessly but he didn't know if he'd have the courage to bring it up. And if Legoshi even wanted to speak about it in the first place.

。o°✥✤✣  4.13  ✣✤✥°o。


"Hey, is this Louis?"

"Legoshi?" Louis was stunned but content nonetheless, hearing the wolf's voice up to his ear through the phone made him shiver. He sucked in a breath before speaking again. "How did you get my number?"

"Uh, I asked Mobaru. I forgot to ask you before you left."

A silence followed on Louis' end as he felt awkward and his mind was clouded. "It's... weird." He thought out loud.

"What is?"

"Hearing your voice on a call..."

"Do you not like it?"

"I didn't say that."

"So you do like my voice?" Legoshi teased, the older could practically picture the wide grin on his face.

"I-- Oh shut up." Louis rolled his eyes in annoyance, though a fond smile hid beneath it "Why did you call me anyway?"

"Can't I call you?"

"You know what I meant."

"I'm kidding. I called for a reason, I'm not just trying to annoy you." The wolf chuckled.

"And what is that reason?"

Legoshi paused and Louis could hear the shuffle of a blanket before he sighed, his voice almost a whisper in Louis' ear. "Because I wanted to hear your voice."

Louis' cheeks were flushed with fever, and the words were caught in his throat. He hid his beet-red face from the wolf and everything in his hand, even though Legoshi or anyone else couldn't see him

"R-Right. That's a stupid reason." He managed, trying to sound as unaffected as he possibly could.

"And also I wanted to ask you a question..." The younger hesitated. Louis heard him inhale a breath as if he was seeking some courage before he spoke.

My Feeble HalfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora