25. Out Of His Mind

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The next day, Louis found himself in the most unhinged of states. The latter hadn't been able to sleep, leaving him exhausted. The only thing he could think of all night was the feeling of fear and discomfort when being deprived of air, the aggressiveness, the strength and the piercing nails on his neck from the night before.

The red deer was frightened yet irked that his pride had somewhat been crushed, feeling as if he had no control whatsoever. Feeling utterly feeble and frail all because of these damned beasts, the only thing they knew was terrorizing others. Though Louis hated that carnivores had the upper hand on anything and everything, he couldn't help but feel bad for thinking such things, seeing that the one he had fallen for was one of them. Louis envied them in a way.

It was Thursday morning and Louis was seated in the cafeteria, staring down at his plate, in a trance. "Louis, Louis!" Mobaru the elk, who was facing him, called, trying to get his friend's attention. "Y-yes?" Mobaru sighed, with the deer's attention now on him. "What's wrong? You weren't paying attention and also you haven't touched your food..." he exclaimed concerned.

"What's on your mind?" He questioned. Louis looked in his eyes, in thought. If he told Mobaru about what had happened the night before, Mobaru would certainly cause a ruckus. And so Louis sighed before speaking, "Nothing, just tired." Mobaru seemed skeptical but didn't add anything, he only went back to eating his food.

Glad that Mobaru wasn't asking any more questions, Louis sighed. The latter went back to daydreaming when he suddenly saw the man he loved, Legoshi, talking to his friends. He gazed at him in awe, a small smile tugging on his face at the sight of the wolf. He stared a bit longer, watching the younger shine when suddenly, a figure he had grown unsettled of walked by towards Legoshi.

The blue eyed wolf that had attempted to finish him off was walking up oh so casually and innocently to the one he fancied. His heart dropped for a second, feeling sick at the sight of her. That crude monster. She approached Legoshi and once she had reached his table, she started conversing with him.

Legoshi smiled at her and talked with her, trying to be nice, but Louis' heart couldn't help but clench at the sight. Feeling so disgusted and infuriated yet saddened. How in the world could he ever talk so casually with his madwoman? She was out of her head and vicious. He hated it yet he couldn't do anything about it, he was far too weak to do anything to stop her. He didn't want Legoshi to be taken away from him yet he would definitely get killed if he did, seeing how that lunatic hadn't hesitated a second, it was without a doubt going to happen.

Louis glared at her in distaste, feeling tears of despair well up in his eyes. His throat hurting all together, it ached. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. Louis couldn't cry in front of so many people so he gulped down his jealousy, saddened. He stared at the canis lupus pair in discomfort but his discomfort only grew further when Legoshi locked eyes with him.

The red deer's heart ached at the sight of those ebony eyes, the sight of his grey fur and a warm smile sent his way. The wolf waved enthusiastically at the older but the latter only looked away coldly, without smiling or waving back at him. It pained him to do so but he'd be in danger if he did otherwise. Louis ignored the pout that was plastered on the wolf's face before turning to Mobaru.

。o°✥✤✣  3.7  ✣✤✥°o。

Louis hadn't looked him in the eyes since morning, not a single greeting and not a single smile. Legoshi couldn't help but grow concerned at the red deer's sudden change in behaviour, anxious that he might have done something to upset the older.

Legoshi sat in class, in a dwam, clearly not listening to a single word his professor was saying. The grey wolf's thoughts were far too preoccupied by the deer he fancied. Just thinking back to the cold look the latter had given him in the cafeteria made a shiver run down his spine, he felt so hurt. The unhappy expression gave it away, there was definitely something going on.

Something was clearly bothering Louis, but Legoshi couldn't put his finger on what it could be. What had he done to make the deer hate him? Legoshi couldn't help but overthink. He quietly groaned in frustration, dejected, until a thought came to mind. He could simply ask Mobaru about the situation, perhaps he would know better. And so Legoshi waited for his Chemistry class to end.

。o°✥✤✣  3.7  ✣✤✥°o。

When his uneventful Chemistry class had finally come to an end, Legoshi scurried out of the room to start searching for the green eyed elk. He swiftly walked pass chattering teenagers before spotting large antlers, walking away from the bathroom.

He was alone so Legoshi immediately called for the elk as he hurried up to the latter "Mobaru! Wait up!" Hearing a familiar voice, Mobaru turned to the voice calling him as the wolf finally approached him. "I need to ask you something..." the grey wolf started. "Take it away," the older replied.

Legoshi looked up at Mobaru before speaking, "Is Louis okay..? He has sort of been ignoring me since this morning and I figured you might know if something was up..." Mobaru only sighed, "I honestly have no idea wolf boy. I don't know why he's ignoring you but he hasn't been paying much attention,"

"There seems to be something on his mind but I'm not sure what." He finished, "I think he's mad at me..." Mobaru looked at the wolf, perplexed. "What did you do?" He questioned. "I have no idea! We were talking normally yesterday, he didn't seem mad..."

The elk thought for a moment before exclaiming, "Something must've happened then, maybe you should go talk to him and see what's up."
"Well if he doesn't avoid me, that is," "Even if he does, him being like this probably has something to do with you." Legoshi couldn't help but sigh at the older's statement.

Just then, Legoshi heard Mobaru exclaim, seemingly looking behind him. "Speaking of the devil, your boyfriend's right there." The wolf's cheeks were flushed red at the usage of the word boyfriend as he turned around to find Louis talking to a sheep. "He's not my boyfriend Mobaru," Legoshi whispered, earning a chuckle from the other.

Legoshi watched as Louis spoke to the sheep, seemingly in a better mood than earlier. He observed as the red deer chattered with her, with a smile on his face, the sight made Legoshi's heart sink. He felt a sense of rage overwhelm him, feeling jealous of that sheep. Legoshi had to talk to the red deer and fix things, he couldn't stand the sight of Louis with someone else.

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