9. The Beginning

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Blamable for felonious acts, the lanky grey wolf walked aimlessly - musing over the conversation he had with Louis.

The red deer didn't necessarily hate him, even after what he'd done? That didn't seem like Louis' behaviour at all. Louis was usually a quite fierce and self-confident person, however - when they talked, Louis seemed much more delicate. The red deer spoke in a sheepish tone - much calmer than his accustomed boldness.

The grey wolf recalled Louis' words -
Louis will miss him. Well, the red deer didn't mean him but rather his rambling, though knowing that Louis would miss something about him - miss his presence, just made him feel complete and content. Still, even if he was over the moon because of the interaction he had with the one he's smitten for, he still felt utterly ashamed of himself.

Legoshi knew that Louis wasn't dull-witted and that he probably had known - since the beginning, that the grey wolf was the one responsible for the state he was in. Legoshi didn't have the strength to bring up his actions when the opportunity was right in front of him, he just couldn't do it. He was so scared of what Louis would say - so terrified. After Louis mentioned not hating him, he just couldn't bring himself to utter a word - not wanting to ruin this friendship that had yet to bloom.

Legoshi wanted them to get closer. It was his one wish for him to know everything there was to know about the one he was head over heals for - for them to know each other to the littlest details. The grey wolf hadn't said anything seeing that his dream was slowly becoming reality but then again, Legoshi didn't want to keep it a secret - he wanted to acknowledge his crimes.

Friends don't lie to each other.

"No! Let go of me!"

Astounded, Legoshi's train of thoughts were interrupted all at once. He looked up confused, seeing two guys teasing a girl.

"Look at what happened to Louis. The rumors say that the main suspects are wolves!" One of them - a racoon, started grasping onto the girl's hand.

"I'm not like them!" "That's how everybody sees you!"

Legoshi was flabbergasted, how do they know about Louis? He thought to himself. They shouldn't know about this, someone must've spilled. These students weren't just teasing her, they were practically bullying her. Legoshi didn't know what to do, should he interfere or stay out of the way? They knew something they shouldn't and they harassing someone for it.

"Are you listening to me?

"If you're one of them, show me what you've got!" The raccoon continued as the tall grey wolf walked up to them.

"Uh... excuse me?" He said - looking down at the raccoon as he scratched his neck, not sure of what to say next. "I'm her brother. What is going on?"

"H-her... brother?" Questioned the raccoon, fear in his tone. "Yes." Said Legoshi before looking down at the girl they were pestering.

Shit! She doesn't look like me at all! Her fur was of a different colour and her features weren't like Legoshi's. He started panicking.

"Liar! She doesn't even look like you!" Stated the other guy - an eagle. "That's right!"

"I look like our father and she looks like our mother." Responded the grey wolf, trying not to stutter. Legoshi crouched down to the girl's level before asking, "Are you alright?" She bashfully hummed as an answer. "Thank...bro." She added with tears in her eyes before the two guys decided to leave. "Let's go."

Legoshi sighed, relieved.

"I'm sorry that I lied to them." Started the grey wolf once the two boys were out of sight.

"No, you lied to save me. Thank you." "I heard them say 'grey wolf', so I just couldn't leave you like that. With such rumors, bullying is very common. You're a freshman, aren't you? You'll get used to it by the time you become a sophomore..." He added before looking back at her shocked. She was crying silently before asking.

"Is it something I have to get used to? It's more harsh than it was in middle school. Why should I be treated like this?

"I'm frustrated with myself because I let bullies hurt my feelings everytime." She finished frustrated.

"I understand why you'd be frustrated with these type of situations and I feel the same way about it.

You're frustrated because you're strong." Even if Legoshi wasn't a very social or self-confident guy, he had a way with words and was quick to be in tune with other people's feelings.

Understanding and sympathizing with no matter what they could be going through.

"Well, see you then." The grey wolf finished before standing up - about to walk away before the girl questioned.

"You are Legoshi from the art department, right?"

"I'm a new member. I just joined the drama club this year." "Huh? Really?"

"I'm Juno."

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