28. Why Bedevil?

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Classes had been excruciatingly long. Legoshi couldn't bring himself to focus on any of his subjects, seeing that his mind was preoccupied. The event of the night before with Louis had been engraved in his memory, leaving him in some form void, empty. He was overwhelmed and confused, he felt numb. The thought of what had happened made him shiver, thinking he could fix things with Louis was quite the foolish thought. Nothing had been fixed, he had only made things worse. Their relationship was similar to a wound that needed desperate stitching but it had been ignored for far too long. They both watched as it got infected and once they tried stitching it up, blood sputtered out of it. It hurt but they couldn't stop the bleeding.

Legoshi watched as the hours flew by, waiting patiently for the moment when Mobaru and himself would talk to Juno, when they'd set things straight. Legoshi couldn't understand the reasoning behind the other wolf's actions, sure, she fancied him, but that was no reason to threaten someone. She had no right to lay a hand on Louis, especially not over someone she didn't have. Legoshi didn't fancy her that way, he loved Louis and Louis only and it was no excuse for her to take out her fury on him.

。o°✥✤✣    ✣✤✥°o。

Content was an understatement, Juno was beyond that. She was thrilled with the outcomes of her actions, her plan was coming along smoothly and she couldn't help but rejoice. Louis had been frightened by her threat and had obediently kept his distance from the one she fancied, she couldn't be more buoyant.

Legoshi will soon be mine, she thought, mischief clear on her expression as she twirled around the room while simultaneously sorting through the costumes she'd eventually wear when going on stage the next day. Classes were over for the day and Juno waited, all alone in the rehearsal room, for the other dancers to join her. It was the last rehearsal before the festival and the wolf was slightly anxious, it would be her first time in front of a crowd.

Though it was still early and the other members wouldn't be there for almost half an hour, Juno still waited, perfecting her dance moves. The wolf had been so absorbed by what she'd been doing that she didn't hear a certain pair walk through the doors. "Juno," one of them called, Juno stopped dancing, startled by the sudden voice. She turned around to face the one who'd called her and lit up when she saw who it was.

"L-Legoshi!" She blushed, waltzing up to him in an all too enthusiastic fashion. "H-How's it go--" Juno attempted to speak but was instantly cut short by another person she hadn't noticed before. "Cut the crap, we've got some important things to settle here." The herbivore exclaimed, visibly annoyed. Juno sneered at the one she recognised as Mobaru, the elk in the dance department and Louis' friend.

Juno grimaced in disgust, mainly at the fact that he'd impudently interrupted her but also at the thought of the red deer. How she despised him. Juno turned to Legoshi, who's expression was one she'd never seen before. He was normally a tender-hearted individual, always so kind but at that moment, when Juno looked up at the other wolf, all she saw were cold and unwelcoming ebony eyes. They pierced through her soul, making her shiver, the distaste on his face was clear and it made her worried. "W-what is it? What's wrong..?" She questioned, in a frightened tone.

The older wolf only let out an exasperated huff, vexation written all over his face. "Why did you do it?" He started, his voice coming off as an irritated breath, all together with a hint of disbelief. "Like seriously, what is wrong with you?" Juno only looked up at Legoshi in a trance, perplexed, what Legoshi was trying to say was incomprehensible but Juno knew that something was wrong, she knew that she was in trouble. "Why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to hurt Louis?!" Legoshi demanded, furious.

Juno stammered, trying to speak up, justify herself but she couldn't. Mobaru didn't give her time to come up with a sentence, "Are you mental or something?" She looked between the two older teens, panic written all over her face. "Why would you do such a thing?" Legoshi tried once more, seeming more saddened by her actions than angered, while Mobaru was the polar opposite, the elk was visibly displeased, and he wasn't hiding it, not even sugar coating anything. "I-I didn't do a-anything--"

"Don't even think about lying to us!" Legoshi interrupted her attempt at justifying herself, she flinched back at Legoshi's oddly venomous tone. The anger that lingered was crystal clear, Juno had never heard such tone coming from Legoshi before and it sent a shiver up her spine, spooking her. Juno knew then, that if Legoshi, the gentle wolf that wouldn't hurt a fly, could go as far as scaring her, she knew that she had put herself in a bad position.

Though that hadn't stopped her, she was well aware of the grave she had been digging for herself yet she wouldn't go down without a fight, "Well you can't blame me! He deserved what he got!" "Excuse me?! Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you!" Mobaru instantly snapped, Juno's words striking a nerve. The elk's fists were clenched in fury, eyes seeing red. How the elk wanted to strike her square in the face, send her flying across the room, but he resisted.

"He was getting in the way!" She yelled back at the elk, "We are meant to be together, you and I," Juno continued, turning her gaze towards Legoshi. "Two carnivores together, we'd be a match made in heaven! But, when I found out that Louis had taken a liking towards you, I couldn't let that go. I couldn't let him get between us!"

"You had no right to do that," At last, Legoshi spoke up. Voice cracking, on the verge of tears, though beyond his glossy eyes and his gravelly tone, vexation slithered through his veins. Legoshi had never been this irked before, never had he felt such level of rage within him. "There is no us and there'll never be. We don't belong together, I'd never, in my life, want to be with you that way."

"I love Louis and your sorry ass will never be able to change that! Never." The wolf finished, storming out of the rehearsal room. He had slammed the doors behind him, disappearing in an empty hallway. Juno was speechless, shocked, Legoshi's words ran through her ears leaving her in a trance.

"You must be so proud of yourself, huh?" The elk questioned with an unamused tone, she looked up at the elk, unaware of how to feel. He approached her in a menacing fashion, towering over her. His green eyes pierced through her blue ones in disgust, a sneer on his lips. "Get anywhere near Louis' radius-- I dare you, and I'll break that little neck of yours." He spoke, making Juno gulp in fright, though she attempted to hide it, Mobaru could see through her arrogant demeanor.

Legoshi let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he stood outside of the rehearsal room, trying to calm down. He felt overwhelmed and his head hurt from the surge of anger. He rubbed his temples, groaning in annoyance before hearing doors opening. Legoshi looked up to the rehearsal room's doors, seeing the tall elk approach him. His expression showed that of disgust as he walked closer to him but it quickly shifted into concern. Legoshi smiled weakly at Mobaru, not giving the latter a second to speak, "If you're going to ask, I'm feeling fine." The elk only sighed, content, he'd never openly admit it since it was still odd behaviour for him, but he couldn't help but feel a form of admiration for the wolf.

Over the span of less that a single month, he had grown fond of the wolf's dedication for Louis. The way Legoshi would risk it all just to protect Louis, Mobaru felt that he was trustworthy. A complex carnivore he knew would do anything for his best friend, Mobaru admired the dedication. He'd do anything in his power to get him and Louis together, because, despite his doubtful moments, Legoshi meant well. He rolled his eyes, smiling down at the wolf. "Oh shush, I wasn't worried." Legoshi only grinned back at the older before hesitantly asking, "Can you do me a favour..?"

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