13. Something About You

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He didn't know what to expect. He was a freshman in a quite sophisticated school.
He was only fourteen at the time. He remembered how he sat awkwardly - listening to the students around him. They all chattered amongst themselves while he - the lonesome grey wolf, remained silent in his seat.

He sat in one of the front seats in the crowded auditorium - though he didn't like having people behind him and would've much preferred one of the furthest back seats, he didn't have enough guts to stand up against upper classmen.

The students kept chatting as the wolf zoned out. He felt overwhelmed by the amount of people in the room - he didn't even want to be there to begin with and he was practically suffocating.

The ebony eyed critter considered leaving the auditorium - waiting for the right moment to stand up and leave, but throughout these fifteen minutes of waiting he didn't move at all.
He was glued to his seat - staring intently at the red curtains of the podium, in a dwam.

Legoshi was shaken out of his trance when the lights dimmed - his surroundings instantly going quiet.
He looked around, waiting for something to happen.

Just then the red curtains he'd been so focused on opened, revealing a handsome red deer.

Legoshi was enthralled by the young man - his stern hazel eyes, his every movement.

Everything about this unknown deer enchanted him. Legoshi's gaze was stuck on the deer - mouth slightly agape, at a lost for words.
He couldn't describe it - that feeling. His accelerating pulse - incapable of looking at anything but him. Anything but the one that shone on that stage.

The star that stood there - focused, confident, bewitching and above all - the most gorgeous boy he'd ever seen.

He looked just like a dream. He's never seen someone so mesmerising, his features were like no other.

His svelte figure was like no other.
He was unique and precious like the finest diamonds one could mine.

Legoshi hadn't stopped staring at the red deer. He closed his mouth, gulping down his nervousness. His heart still beating rapidly, this time he really was out of breath.

He couldn't even comprehend what was going on with him. Why such thoughts stuck to him. Why he felt the way he felt for someone he didn't even know. He didn't even know his name.
What the hell...

He tried to regulate his breathing, calming down a bit - trying to brush away his thoughts when those eyes - those light brown eyes suddenly locked with his.

The two looked at each other - just for a few seconds but that was it. That was enough to make all of his attempts to calm down go to waste.

Legoshi's heart quickened once again - beating loudly in every corners of his body with sweat trickling down his face. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat - nervous, holding on tight to his seat.

They made eye contact.

The red deer noticed the wolf and raised an eyebrow at his expression - he looked so tense. Though the stranger made him perplexed, he had to concentrate on the show so he swiftly brushed it off - looking away.

The wolf turned a deep red - embarrassed. He sunk into his seat, still out of breath as he loosened his tight grip on the seat.
They made eye contact.

Legoshi couldn't even keep up with what was going on in the show - he was so absorbed by that deer.

He felt utterly unsettled. He glared down at the floor - red faced.
What was going on with him?

Why was he feeling that way?

Why couldn't he breathe?

He couldn't take it anymore so he stood up - startling a few people, before quickly walking out of the vast room.

He needed to breathe.

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