24. She's Mental

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She watched as the pair made its way out of the rehearsal room, vexation built by the second as she watched them smiling oh so tenderly at each other. She couldn't bare it, seeing the herbivore going about, seemingly content, with the one she was after. She didn't like it one bit and she envied him. Juno wasn't going to let it slide, she was prepared and she was going to make Louis pay.

。o°✥✤✣  3.6  ✣✤✥°o。

Dusk was near and the rehearsal was getting less crowded by the minute. Some of the dancers and the volunteering actors were finished with their dance practice for the day and they had all left, except for one particularly vengeful wolf.

"You shouldn't overwork yourself Juno, you're just a freshman after all." Sheila the cheetah, started concerned. "Oh no, don't worry Sheila. I just want to get a few steps right then I'll head back." Juno reassured, sheepishly. "Fine then, turn off the lights and lock everything up when you're done." Sheila then instructed before leaving the wolf behind.

Though, she had much more on her mind than just dance practices. She felt the need to install fear, felt the desire for destruction. She wanted something, someone, and she wasn't going to let it slip away from her and so the wolf waited.

She waited for fifteen minutes for her prey to arrive as she lurked in the shadows, already fully aware of what she was going to say to her enemy. Just then, the doors of the rehearsal opened, her attention now on whoever was coming in the room.

The lights were dimmed completely for just a single one of them to shine in the centre of the room. Juno stood menacingly behind the source of the light, up in the darkness. The latter couldn't help but smirk at the sight, the one she had been waiting for was finally here. He stood in the bright circle, light shining onto him.

He seemed deep in thought before be suddenly heard a familiar and sinister voice, "Louis. Good to see you here," Louis looked up, to see the figure of a wolf, leaning against the light.
"Juno..." he sneered, already annoyed by her presence.

"Jeez Louis, why the expression?" She chuckled menacingly before walking down the stairs to join Louis in the spotlight. She walked in the darkness towards the red deer as the latter threw daggers her way, his confidence radiating unfailingly.

"I pity you, you know." She started as the light finally shone on her face. Juno approached him as if up to no good. She slowly walked around Louis in a circle, putting Louis on guard. "You're oh so confident yet so weak." She chuckled bitterly. "You're clearly not fit to be the next Beastar. Someone as feeble as you wouldn't cut it." The wolf continued, smirk fading away. Her demeanour annoyed Louis more and more and her intentions were without a doubt ill.

Now facing her, Louis could see her expression crystal clear as she stood in front of him, staring down at him with hatred. "If you were to do the wrong move or run your mouth, someone bigger than you could definitely do something to you, especially when you take what's theirs..." Juno continued, emphasising on 'theirs'. She approached the red deer the more she talked, and in a single harsh shove, Louis stumbled onto the wooden floor.

The young wolf was seconds later on top of him, pining his hands on the floor. Unable to move beneath her, Louis stayed there in discomfort and anger as she leaned down. "You piss me off Louis," she began, venom lacing her tone. "You stole from me and I won't let that happen."

"What in the world could I have stolen from you?! You don't have anything of value and I couldn't give two shits if you did! Get off of me!" Louis exclaimed, annoyed, but Louis' words only vexed her more. Juno's grip on the red deer's hands grew tighter. "What did you steal?!" She questioned, furious.

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