2. Behind The Scenes

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Legoshi observed Louis walk away with an unflappable demeanour, yet the wolf couldn't help but sense the vexation from him.

After what he had witnessed - Louis almost tumbling and his unusual tired face, the certitude of his atrocious and unforgivable actions were being reinforced.

He couldn't help but feel even more guilty than he already was.

。o°✥✤✣  1.1  ✣✤✥°o。

"Water, Wind, Fire... Messengers of all the elements want you dead.
Hence the result of living against your fate. Still, you shall not worry for I can handle it - I will be the one to kill you, that is my duty. Until then, I will not allow anyone laying their hands on you!"

"OKAY! Act 1, Scene 5 is okay!"

The feigned lights dimmed instantly, once the words were uttered.

"Let's take a break." Added the pelican as he made his way up the stage's stairs.

"What?" Sanu, the Pelican walked up to Louis and whispered; "You seem a little sluggish, are you feeling alright?" "Stop whispering, I'm fine." Declared the latter in a somewhat displeased fashion, his voice resounding through the room.

"The welcome event is the most crucial opportunity for us. We need to show the importance of this drama club to the freshmen, It is not the time to care about how I feel. Am I right?" Louis was now facing the other actors.
"Y-yes I think so.."
"Get more serious about it. I; a herbivore, will play the role of Adler. You carnivores better attack me with all your strength. We will show what it all mean on this stage, we have to be more fierce this year!"

Louis' deportment's constant confidence radiated through the room as per usual, it was captivating to watch his svelte like figure stand tall - it was almost addictive in a way. Some couldn't take their eyes off of him no matter how hard they tried.
He seemed like the only possible description of perfection - he was talented, charismatic, confident, handsome - almost everything a certain grey wolf wished he could've been or perhaps would he want the latter close to him; arms wrapped tightly around him in a protective aspect - though it seemed eerie and distrusting coming from a carnivore. It would be foolish for a herbivore to believe a single word of "love" that a carnivore could utter their way unless they were all too naive. Just like Tem, he trusted a carnivore in an unfavorable situation and now look at how it ended.

Even so, Louis didn't seem like he was acting at his fullest, he seemed almost exhausted and it was clear that 'fine' wasn't the right words to describe how tired he felt.

He was almost devoured the night before - his leg was wounded - he hadn't had much sleep and he felt an enormous amount of uneasiness as Legoshi studied his frame.

"Alright everyone, let us have five minute break before continuing rehearsal!" The pelican stated.

The red deer let out a sigh and headed to the deserted back stage. There, he sat down contemplating his injured left leg. Sizeable deep claw mark, tho' the bleeding had stopped it was still utterly painful.
"Louis! Louis there you are! Are you alright?!" A distinguished elk scurried to Louis in with an anxious look on his face.
"I-- I'm fine--" "Hey what happened to your leg!?"
"Mobaru, it's fine--" "Who the fuck did this to you?" Demanded the elk, venom running through his deep voice. Silence fell upon Louis as his childhood friend; Mobaru, stared into his soul.
"I don't know...". He knew what had happened and still lied; he didn't want to seem weak but he mainly didn't want to steer up any sort of pandemonium scenario "What? How come?" Mobaru spoke with more serenity.

"I don't remember how it happened, and don't worry about it. It'll get better soon--" "Louis..." "It's alright--"

"We'll resume from act 1, scene 6!"

"We'll talk about this later alright--" "No need. I'm fine." Interrupted Louis sternly.

。o°✥✤✣  1.1  ✣✤✥°o。

"This..." Legoshi's arms stretched, holding on to a familiar garment; "This is Tem's..." "What should we do with that?" "Keeping it would be kind of creepy, wouldn't it?" "Heyy!"

Legoshi couldn't help but wander how Louis really seemed out of sorts, as the pelican had mentioned; he indeed looked rather sluggish.

Which would rationally explain why the deer was less active and why he looked unwell along with the fact that he almost stumbled earlier at the cafeteria.

He remembered the events of the previous night, him holding on tightly to the puny one - claws deep in its flesh. In the end; when the latter managed to escape, Legoshi finally realized who the figure was.

Tho' after trying to deny it oh so desperately, the smaller one was to undeniably end up being the famous red deer and he knew it.

He knew but considering his feelings towards Louis, he really didn't want to come to terms with himself.

Him hurting Louis was the reason behind his detriment, he was the one to blame therefore profusing an indescribable bulk of culpability through his soul.

"Legoshi?...Legoshi...Legoshi!!" "O-oh yes?" His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Dom; the peafowl.

"Oh dear, we were talking about asking the gardening club for some flowers."
"Look" he held up a paper with the drawing of a beautifully decorated door surrounded by roses. "I'd like to decorate the hall with roses, I was inspired by the image of the last scene. Could you please go ask for their help?"
"To the gardening club?...That's a club for herbivores right? Wouldn't it be weird if I went there?"

"That's why! Since you're already a junior, you should improve your communication skills!"

"Hm...okay then."

。o°✥✤✣  1.1  ✣✤✥°o。

A/N that was short af cuz I've been quite busy recently, sorry.

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