18. Incomprehensible

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"Seriously?!" The wolf was ecstatic at the news he'd just gotten. Joy was crystal clear on his face. "Yes. He's going to be outta there this afternoon. He healed pretty quickly actually,"

It was Sunday morning. It had been three whole weeks since Louis had last been at school and the grey wolf was over the moon at the news the elk had announced. His tail was wagging vigorously, lips tugged into a wide grin and he couldn't help but feel an indescribable amount of excitement within his being.

"Oh I'm glad..!" He responded before his excitement died down. He paused, thinking back to what had happened practically a month ago. Everything that had happened to him, all of it. His tail had stopped wagging as energetically as before. "Though I still didn't bring up the thing with him..."

"I noticed." Mobaru responded with a tinge of sarcasm in his tone. "Though seriously, you gotta talk to him about it. You can't keep that kinda thing to yourself. If you're really serious about him - if you really want to get closer to him, secrets shouldn't come in the way." He finished, getting serious.

"I know... I'm aware of the fact that secrets aren't a good thing, considering how bad the situation is. I really just want to confess my sins but I've just been a complete coward!" The wolf admitted, in a pitiful way. However, Legoshi being honest made the elk feel somewhat content. Maybe he wasn't that bad after all - he couldn't be fully certain of that statement but the small frown on Legoshi's face - which looked more like a pout, couldn't go unnoticed, it reminded the elk of Louis.
At first glance, Legoshi and Louis have nothing in common but really, the two are as pathetic as the other.
They would make a nice couple.

"Everytime I get the chance to say something and come clean, I brush it off and talk about anything else - fearing that he might hate me if I say anything." Legoshi finished, saddened by the thought.

"Legoshi, he won't hate you." Mobaru reassured, even though there really was no guarantee of the deer not despising him. "If you're honest with him he definitely won't, don't worry. He's gotten a soft spot for you so I doubt he would." He continued.

"You think so...?" The grey wolf asked, cheeks reddening at the older's statement. "Yeah.!"

。o°✥✤✣  3.0  ✣✤✥°o。

The time had come. The deer could finally leave this God forsaken place. His injury had healed like the deuce. Louis had spent three weeks within dull hospital walls, that constantly reeked of all kind of medicines.

The deer had spent those days - pondering, thinking back to everything that had happened during that somewhat nerve-wracking yet compulsive month.
It all felt a bit troubling, to say the least.

All of those memories - gut-wrenching or not, lingered.

The hazel eyed deer found himself standing in front of the large wooden door of the rehearsal room - the theatre club's rehearsal room.
He felt numb. Even if his wound had healed, he still felt somewhat bushed from staying in bed for so long.

The gash on his leg had closed itself, leaving behind visible scars - only claws could've left, amidst his fur.
It made a displeasing and disheartening feeling loiter within Louis' being and he loathed it.

Why couldn't things be different?
Why was this their fate?
Was this it - was this even meant to be?
It shouldn't have been yet Louis was - nevertheless, unable to push it aside. This - this friendship... was far too treacherous.

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