36. Run-Of-The-Mill

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Louis was engulfed by his emotions - drowning in his thoughts as he watched trees pass him by through the window. The red deer sat in the back seat of his father's black 911 Porsche, behind the driver, Chris, a Roan antelope. Louis' arm was propped up against the car door, his head resting on top of his palm.

The only thought on Louis' mind - that'd been perturbing him, was Legoshi. He worried that perhaps he'd done something to upset the wolf - and then already far from Cherryton High, Louis had been internally beating himself up for not saying something to him. It was as clear as water that something had been on the wolf's mind and he knew that he should've done something to help the other - as much as he possibly could, but in the end, he hadn't done or said a single thing.

Louis felt like proper shit, and there was no doubt about that. He should've done something - as a loved one, he should've taken action. As the one that'd stolen his heart, as his boyfriend, he shouldn't have been sitting around, doing nothing. Louis' eyes widened, processing what he'd just considered himself as. Did he really thought of himself as Legoshi's boyfriend? It didn't sound right but neither did it sound wrong. The red deer flushed profusely, hiding the smile on his face with his hand.

。o°✥✤✣  4.6  ✣✤✥°o。

Once his father's mansion came into view and the vehicle had gone through familiar ebony spiked gates, Louis sighed - bracing himself for what him and his father had to discuss. The porsche came to a stop in front of his father's mansion. Chris opened the car door for Louis before picking up his luggage from the boot. The moment the red deer stepped out of the vehicle, the cool summer breeze grazed his fur.

On the left side of the car, water flowed upon a fountain in the center of a roundabout which was a cobblestone path connecting the mansion and the gate, with tall trees and lush greenery surrounding it - creating the ambience of a forest.

Then on the right side of the car, the towering light coloured brownish three story mansion came into view. It was an almost symmetrical house, the front having two pairs of balconies at each ends - connecting to two bedrooms, one of which was Louis', an office and a library. The centre of the building had an equal amount of windows for countless of other rooms and the top of the mansion was triangular and covered by dark blue-grey tiles.

The mansion was no modern establishment, it was a fine French architectural masterpiece, designed by matchless architects. Sometimes Louis couldn't quite grasp onto the fact that he'd grown in such a place. It screamed luxury, with its countless rooms - most of which remained untouched, and well kept grandeur. As Louis stepped through the front door, the old feeling that the house was too big hit him. The expensive and indescribable scent of the interior wafting Louis' nose, instantly reminding him of his childhood.

"Oh Louis dear, welcome back!" Anne the sheep, one of the maids, spoke. She had been working in the mansion way before Louis had even been adopted. She'd taken care of him like her own son and Louis was quite fond of her.

"Anne! It's nice to see you again."

"Glad to have you back home darlin'." Anne smiled, genuine affection for the boy plastered on her expression. Not a moment after she spoke, Steven the bison, the head butler of the house, approached - his robust build towering over both Anne and Louis.

"Ah Louis! Welcome home," Steven started in his unmissable gravelly tone. "I do hope you have recovered well." He added, concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine now. Don't worry." Louis reassured.

"Good. You should go change, Chris will bring your luggage to your room." Louis only nodded, "Is father home?"

"No, he's gone to an important meeting with business partners, but he should be back soon."

Of course, Louis sighed, not surprised. Anne spoke up, noticing Louis' change in demeanor.

"Well-- Go on now, you must be tired. Dinner will be ready soon."

。o°✥✤✣  4.6  ✣✤✥°o。

The golden hues of the sun shone into Louis' bathroom through the frosted window on top of his head, colouring his bath water. Louis' head lay against his bathtub's border, the water gone cold but Louis' body had grown used to its temperature. The walls were the same old plain beige as they were months before he had started his school year, Louis stared at it intently - in a dwam.

The bathtub was in the left corner of the room with the shower next to it - smoked glass pane and door blending in perfectly with the pearl quartz marble floor. A large sink against the wall, its countertop matching the flooring, with a smoky brown storage cupboard beneath it and a simple toilet across the room to finish it off.

It was minimalistic and clean - modern, compared to the rest of the house. Despite its simplistic aspect, the red deer found it dull and uninteresting. It felt too cold and empty - ominous almost. Louis could only hear the motion of the freezing water as his hands fidgeted with each other.

The red deer sighed, exasperated, as he sat up before getting out of the cold bath he'd spent way too much time in. He swiftly dried himself before putting on a simple black shirt and grey sweatpants - plain yet unnecessarily expensive.

Louis couldn't help but miss Legoshi, he wanted to see the other, despite having already seen him earlier that day. Louis didn't know what to do with himself now that his significant other wasn't there and he couldn't contact him either. Louis mentally face palmed himself as he flopped onto his velvet king sized bed, sour at the fact that he hadn't thought to ask the wolf for his number.

The red deer was defeated, he wanted his boyfriend and his boyfriend alone - and the latter's absence gave Louis a headache. Legoshi was the only one he could think of - he yearned for the wolf with such an unutterable flaming passion that he felt sick to the stomach. He was undeniably in love with Legoshi, and no matter how much it made him cringe to even think of it, Louis couldn't deny his affection.

The latter was startled out of his reverie, hearing the crunching of car tyres against cobblestone. As the noise came to a stop, Louis stood up from his comfortable mattress before walking to his balcony - instantly knowing who it was at the door. He leaned against the metallic black railing, his heart quickening in slight anxiety at the sight of the one and only - Oguma.

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