34. Garnet in the wild

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Embracing at the school's gate, Mobaru held onto the shorter deer, before exchanging heartfelt goodbyes. Legoshi, standing on the side, watched the herbivorous pair, deep in thought. He gazed at the red deer, his mind blank. He didn't know what to feel or do. The wolf didn't know where to put his hands. He looked at the majestic red deer, with so much love. Nothing could compare to how Legoshi felt for Louis, it was an indescribable form of admiration. He loved Louis with all his heart, even with the mountains of differences between them. Even despite the two opposite worlds they were from.

His bones shook at the mere mention of the latter - butterflies fluttered in the pit of his stomach, no matter how sappy it sounded, it was a reality Legoshi couldn't escape. However, the uncalled flutter in the pit of the latter's stomach was not his romantic attraction's doing. He felt awkward and uncomfortable, not because Louis and Mobaru were hugging but because of the constant thought of what Bill had told him,

"Didn't think the next Beastar would be a queer! And dating this,"

The words stung, making the wolf feel unworthy of having Louis at his side, as a lover. It made him feel unwanted - made him second guess the entire adventure he had gone through that had led to him and Louis being together - well, that is if they were something. Despite confessing their undying love for each other, Legoshi still didn't know what name to put on their relationship. He wanted to embrace the other - to cherish him as much as possible, as a lover, but the words just lingered. Those excessively hypercritical stares and unwanted comments just couldn't go unnoticed. People talk, and it was hard to ignore. 

And so, Legoshi stood there, feeling unworthy of Louis. "What are we?" He wanted to ask. Should we be together? He wandered, praying that they could - but alas, in Legoshi's mind, it felt like they couldn't. The herbivores let go of each other, uttering words Legoshi couldn't distinguish. Legoshi's thoughts were clouded, giving him a hard time to focus.

"I'm going to die without you!" Mobaru whined, letting out an overdramatic sigh. Louis rolled his eyes, chuckling at elk's fooleries. The red deer's eyes then fell on the quiet carnivore in front of him. Ebony meeting hazel but almost instantly, the wolf looked away, avoiding Louis' gaze. Concerned was an understatement. Louis was confused, he felt his heart shatter at the sight of the wolf. Have I done something wrong? He wandered, just what in the hell was going on in that carnivore's mind? Louis was immensely perplexed and he, more than anything, wanted answers, but he quickly decided against it. Perhaps it wasn't the right moment.

He carefully took a step forward before placing a hesitant hand onto the wolf 's shoulder, making the look in the carnivore's eyes shift from saddened and beaten to panicked and almost worried - as if someone seeing them doing the slightest of anything together would cause the utmost outrageous scene. Seeing him so perturbed - so agitated, put Louis on edge, as if almost feeling the wolf's every emotions. Every pained heartbeat - the shame, Louis could feel them all.

Louis gulped nervously, "Take care of him for me," he spoke, eyeing his elk friend. A soft sheepish smile tugged onto the wolf's lips, making Louis' heart melt. Legoshi placed his hand onto Louis', giving it a soft squeeze before almost whispering, in a soothing tone, "I will, don't worry."

。o°✥✤✣  4.4  ✣✤✥°o。

Claiming that the naïve carnivore was ashamed was but an understatement. Words could in no way express just how embarrassed Juno was of her behavior, especially after being brutally told off by the one she fancied. Watching the both of them hurt her in every way, shape and form. Juno just couldn't bare the sight of them any longer. Head high, she sighed in defeat, walking away.

As she walked through pacific hallways, the blue eyed wolf fought back tears. She couldn't let her guard down. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. She told herself. This is nothing to cry over. Just move on. She shouldn't have acted the way she did and she regretted it. She knew deep down that her actions would be engraved in her memory and that it mortify her till' the end of time.

The girl was so up in her head that she hadn't noticed a small figure of pure white fur - carrying weighty boxes, walking blindly towards her, before she bumped into them. The two tumbled, the boxes' contents, which were brand new flower pots were scattered on the floor, some of which broke into pieces. "Jeez!" The smaller creature, which turned out to be a white rabbit, sighed, exasperated.

"Oh God! I'm so so sorry! I-I didn't see you." Juno tried to explain, panic written all over her face. "It's whatever," the herbivore rolled her eyes. Juno stared at her for a moment. The rabbit's white fur looked oh so soft and well kept, she was petite with a cute and almost innocent face. Juno was enthralled, but the one thing that'd caught her attention were the small herbivore's deep red eyes and their brownish hues.

She watched as the rabbit stood on her feet, dusting off her dress, before picking up the pots. Juno shook her head out of her trance before scurrying to help the herbivore. "Here," The wolf started, "Let me help."

"My name's Juno by the way," She added sheepishly.

"I'm Haru..."

。o°✥✤✣       ✣✤✥°o。

A/n Sorry for not updating sooner, I've been extremely busy with exams-- I do plan on updating more in the next few weeks tho' so don't worry. Hope you're enjoying this fanfiction nonetheless. :)

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