33. On Tenterhooks

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An uneventful Sunday afternoon, it was finally the summer break, which meant; no classes, and students could go back home for the break. Despite the long awaited freedom the students of Cheryton High finally had, club meetings were often frequent, especially after important events. There stood a tall grey haired carnivore, leaning against the wall in a corner of the rehearsal room, head in the clouds, as the theatre club conversed.

He stood still, staring at the floor, deep in thought, almost like a statue. Not noticing a familiar green eyed elk, the wolf was startled out of his daydream when the latter approached, making him jump in surprise. "Hiya!" The elk spoke in a cheerful tone. Legoshi turned towards the latter, straightening up.

"God you scared me!" The wolf exclaimed shyly, "How are you?"

"I'm good-- Very good." Mobaru responded with a smile, mimicking Legoshi's stance by leaning his back against the wall, right next to the carnivore.

The elk paused before giving the wolf a knowing look. "So..." he started. "How'd it go?"

Legoshi looked confused at the sudden question and it showed through his facial expression, Mobaru let out an exasperated huff, rolling his eyes at the wolf's stupidity.

"You know... You and the King." Mobaru tried, feeling proud of himself when Legoshi eyes widened in enthusiasm. Oh! The wolf thought to himself.

"God, it went really well! I seriously can't thank you enough for convincing him to show up." Legoshi exclaimed with an excited grin.

"No problem, you two would be lost without me." Mobaru teased with a smirk.

"I mean... We sorta would. I really can't believe he'd forgive me... I feel-- really light."

"I'm glad." Mobaru nodded with a smile, content for his new carnivorous friend's happiness. Relief was evident on his expression and Mobaru couldn't not take notice of the love in the wolf's eyes. The elk smirked to himself "Though," he started, "You two were out pretty late, weren't you?"

"Ah y-yeah," The wolf avoided Mobaru's gaze as he scratched the back of his neck, with a sheepish demeanour. "W-we bought snacks together and hung out..."

"It was really a dream come true," Legoshi sighed, looking back at the herbivore next to him, who had his eyebrows raised, as if judging him. "What?" Legoshi questioned, perplexed, before Mobaru gave him a knowing smirk, insinuating something.

"So, no smooching you're hiding from me?"

Legoshi eyes widened, face heating up at the thought of 'smooching' Louis. "W-what?! No-- N-no smooching! Mostly hand holding!" He whisper-yelled.

"That's all?! You guys are pathetic!" Mobaru whined. "We're not there yet!" Legoshi argued back, earning a childish disgruntled groan. "It's too early for that--"

"Too early for what?" A familiar voice suddenly spoke, interrupting Legoshi's sentence and startling him in the process. Immediately recognising him, Legoshi's head whipped around, wide eyed. Once he saw that it was Louis, he chuckled nervously. "Oh h-hey Louis-- How's it--"

Before the wolf could even finish his sentence, he was interrupted yet again. This time by Mobaru speaking over him to get Louis' attention. "You mean to tell me that you guys didn't make ou--" The wolf's eyes widened further, flushed in embarrassment by what the elk tried to ask. "Mobaru! Shut up!" Legoshi warned, giving the other a look.

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