4. Catch A Breath

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The obstinate pair had finally seized that crucial breath.

Both still panting to a seemingly similar rhythm - heart beat decelerating at last allowing them the ability to form words.

The room that was once filled by a synchronized puffing was now quiet - too quiet, but before he knew it, Louis was all alone. The wolf had ran away. He had heard the wolf's hurried footsteps, he heard the door getting opened and closed firmly.

He could hear Legoshi scurry down the stairs as the pace of his footsteps accelerated. Louis let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding.

He had never been this close to Legoshi before. In all honesty, such actions felt eerie.

It felt utterly wrong yet a part of Louis wanted to feel that again. A part of him wanted to get closer - hell, he wanted to go further but that would just be foolish - according to him.

That feeling was indescribable. The kind that you know of but can't fully grasp onto. The kind that you don't feel everyday. Louis was lost in thoughts. He was bewildered and uncomfortable.

An unknown chill ran through his spine as he let his imagination wander. He didn't know why he would've done such a thing - hell, he couldn't even comprehend the reason why he even got infuriated to begin with.

He couldn't possibly explain why or how he ended in such circumstances.

The worst part was that he would die to be in that situation again - without the 'Almost biting the living shit out of me' part, that is. Only the touch, warmth and excitement that was brought from that wolf.

He longed for that...

What am I thinking about?! Fucking bastard was really about to bite me! He thought to himself as his cheeks flushed a deep red.

This bastard will be the death of him - literally.

。o°✥✤✣  1.3  ✣✤✥°o。

Heavily breathing, darting away from the unthinkable. He ran down the stairs of a deserted hall way. The feeling of embarrassment and arousal lingered as a particular grey haired critter relentlessly tried to catch his breath.

He had never been touched that way - hell, he was never this close to Louis. Out of all people.

It felt so right - like a dream finally coming true (only partially) but also very wrong.

Who even gets the chance to be that close to the one they fancy? Who in the world gets touched in that way by the one they fancy?!

His imagination wandered very far.

He had run so fast and was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't realize where he went. When he had finally settled down and stopped running, he observed his surroundings as he caught his breath.

He found himself back at the school's auditorium. His once flushed cheeks and randy mindset disappeared as the landscape reminded him of his disgraceful acts.

Legoshi's guilt built up once again. The sight made his heart sink. Disappointment and shame settled and the exhaustion he had felt earlier that day was manifesting.

He couldn't possibly describe how ashamed he felt. He'd hurt a loved one and didn't know how to repent. He didn't know how to even bring it up with Louis.

He knew that he would have to discuss this with Louis one day but he didn't know how. He couldn't even explain what had gotten into him that night.

Legoshi's feelings were getting mixed up . His love, his guilt - even his instincts. As they settled and took a toll upon him, it felt as if his admiration for Louis wouldn't last. It felt as if he had confused those feelings for mere pathetic predatory senses all along.

As if he had been lying to himself - in a selfish ravenous manner. Perhaps he was really waiting and watching so he could attack. Maybe Louis was right after all.

Maybe he was a starved greedy carnivore just like the others.

Falling in love with a herbivore was maybe a bad idea - when you're a predator.

It hurts but it's true. It hurt to even think that you were being a repulsive beast hiding in the shadows all along.

It really hurt...

"Hey, you're Legoshi right?"

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